A Fortnight at Fahan - Term 3, 13 August 2021
Principal's Report
Learning about Chemical Reactions
Learning about Automatic Response
Learning about Radio Telescopes
Learning about Criminal Responsibility
Learning about Debating
Learning to be Buddies
Learning about Probability
Learning about Hospitality
Learning about Change
Learning about Fiction Writing
Spirit in the Senior School
Spirit - Q&A with Mrs Nicola Horne, Receptionist
Spirit -Junior School Sport
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Community - Variety Monster Book Fair
Community in the Junior School
Community - One sleep until the P&F Gala Dinner!
Community - Alumni Year 12 Networking Breakfast
Community - News from Nateby
Community Notices
Principal's Report
This week has seen the first of three parent teacher interview sessions for students in the Senior School.
These are invaluable opportunities for parents, teachers and students to discuss progress, celebrate growth and to develop future goals in a collaborative environment. As the mum of two daughters, I always enjoyed these opportunities to understand better the young women they were becoming in their classrooms and other learning settings. I was always happy to hear that at school, our girls were diligent, compassionate and kind young people who were respectful to their peers and teachers.
However, particularly during their early adolescence, the young people that were being described to me at these interviews, were not who and what we were experiencing at home! And as an educator, I have often heard the parental lament, “It seems she saves her best behaviour for you at school, because that’s not what we see at home sometimes!” Never fear – help is at hand! This excerpt from a book written by expert Dr Lisa Damour is well worth reading – it is practical and straightforward in its explanation of why this is the case, and why this phenomenon is absolutely normal!
“Teenagers often manage their feelings by dumping the uncomfortable ones on their parents, so don't be surprised if you find that the arrival of adolescence comes with a surge in complaining. No parents enjoy listening to their daughter's endless stream of complaints, but it's a lot easier to stand if we appreciate that her griping serves a valuable purpose.
Complaining to you allows your daughter to bring the best of herself to school. Instead of being rude or aggressive toward peers or teachers at school, your daughter contains her irritation and waits until she is safely in your company to express it.
If she can hold it together all day at school, you might wonder why your daughter can't hold it together a little bit longer so that she can also be pleasant with you. As it turns out, willpower is a limited resource. By the time they get to the end of the day, there's just no energy left to contain their annoyance, and the complaining begins.
Girls who get a chance to talk about the abundant frustrations of their day usually feel better once they've unloaded their distress on you. Any adult who has spent dinnertime grumbling about a co-worker, neighbour, or boss understands that sharing one's true feelings at home makes it a lot easier to be charming out in public. Teenagers are no different. Having used you as their emotional dumping ground, they are prepared to return to school and play the part of the good citizen.
Indeed, they may be able to act as a good citizen at school precisely because they are spending some of their time imagining the colourful complaints they will share once their school day has ended.
When your daughter complains, listen quietly and remind yourself that you are providing her with a way to unload the stress of her day. Many parents find that they want to do something as they listen to their daughter's distress – to offer advice, point out their daughter's misconceptions, make a plan to address her troubles, and so on. Do not feel pressed to solve your daughter's problems; you've probably tried and already found that she routinely rejects your suggestions, even the especially brilliant ones.
If you really want to help your daughter manage her distress, help her see the difference between complaining and venting. Complaining generally communicates a sense that "someone should fix this," while venting communicates that "I'll feel better when someone who cares about me hears me out."
Most of what teens complain about can't be fixed. No magic wand can make her peers, teachers, coaches, locker location, or homework any less irritating. Better for her to do a little less complaining about such realities and a little more venting. In doing so, she moves away from the childlike idea that the world should bend to her wishes to the adult idea that life comes with many unavoidable bumps.
How do you get her to do this?
When she starts rolling out the complaints, consider asking, "Do you want my help with what you're describing, or do you just need to vent?"
If she wants your help, she'll tell you. Even better, she might take your advice having actually asked for it.
If she wants to vent, she'll tell you and you can sit back and know that just by listening you are offering meaningful support. More important, she'll start to learn that sometimes, just by listening, you are providing all the help she needs. Your daughter may be suspicious of your motives the first time you offer her the opportunity for unbridled venting. If she has grown used to getting (and, of course, reflexively rejecting) your advice when she complains, she may wonder what you're up to. But stick with it and be clear that you believe in the healing powers of "just venting." Soon, she'll come around. Don't expect that venting will – or should – fully replace complaining. But do take advantage of opportunities to help your daughter distinguish between problems that can and should be solved and problems that are best addressed by sharing them with someone who cares.
If the content of your daughter's venting strikes you as totally unfair and you feel compelled to weigh in, consider saying, "I have a different take on the situation. Do you want to hear it?" Should she say yes, carry on. Should she say no, bite your tongue and find comfort in the knowledge that your daughter is now aware that she shouldn't mistake your silence for a tacit endorsement of her views.
Congratulate yourself when you can get your daughter to advance to venting, because there will be times when you won't even be able to get how she expresses her displeasure up to the level of complaining (much less venting). These are the days when she simply takes out her annoyance on anyone in her path – a particularly unpleasant, and common, form of using you (your other children, or the family dog) as an emotional dumping ground. If your daughter feels that she must punish your family for her bad day, you might let one or two cutting comments pass. But, if it becomes clear that she plans to be wretched all evening, go ahead and say, "You may not be in a good mood, but you are not allowed to mistreat us. If you want to talk about what's bugging you, I'm all ears. If you're going to be salty all night, don't do it here."
I hope you have enjoyed this excerpt and found it useful. Details of the book are here if you would like to read further.
With every best wish,
Penny Curran-Peters
Learning about Chemical Reactions
The Year 1 girls had a visit to The Hutchins Senior School campus this week. Mr James Seddon conducted an impressive sequence of chemical reactions to engage the class in thinking about how different materials can change, which the girls have been learning about this term.
There were plenty of wide eyes and a few squeals of delight as Mr Seddon demonstrated some explosive reactions and gave the group lots to discuss about solids, liquids and gases. The girls were also fortunate to observe a year 12 Chemistry class hard at work with both Hutchins and Fahan students carefully running their scientific experiments.
Many thanks go to Mr Seddon and Hutchins for sharing such an exciting experience with Year 1.
Ms Sarah Parsons
Learning about Automatic Response
In Year 5, we learn about automatic responsethree times a week. We do this to increase our number recall in the areas of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. After three minutes, to complete as many questionsas we can, we mark our work and give ourselves a score out of 80.
If we manage to score 80/80 three times in a row, we move up to the next level book. The colours are red, yellow, green, orange, purple and brown. For example the red book has answers up to 10 while the brown book has answers up to 70.
Over time, through participating in our automatic response many of us have found that we are getting quicker with our number recall as we move through the levelled booklets.
By Coco Barton and Msisey Brown
Learning about Radio Telescopes
A part of our studies of Space, the Year 10 Science classes travelled to Mt Pleasant Radio Telescope Observatory and Grote Reber Museum. We began by gazing up at the huge 26 metre diameter radio telescope and learning how the dish collects radio waves. The telescope uses the waves to look at the planets and other objects in the night sky. We were also able to use a mini radio telescope dish to analyse the signals coming from nearby objects such as trees and even ourselves! We also had a tour around the museum and learnt more about Grote Reber himself, electromagnetic waves and how telescopes around the world are used to gather data about objects in space, as well as measure how the Earth’s tectonic plates are moving. Grote Reber is known as the father of radio astronomy and was the first person to build and use dishes to map the sky using radio frequencies. He also constructed other things, including a solar powered electric vehicle. Finally, we watched three mini-movies with 3D glasses on, in the museum’s cinema. These really complemented the work we have been doing in class on how stars form and cycle through different stages in their ‘lives’.
Some comments from the students:
“It was interesting to learn how scientists like Grote Reber, controlled the telescopes before they had advanced computers and technology to do it” - Lucy Adams
“It was a really fascinating conversion between old and new technologies as we got to see the complicated and time-consuming process that Grote Reber had to do every day compared to the now automated data collected in a fraction of a second” - Olivia Sampson
“The 3D movies made me think about how small we really are compared to everything” - Brianna Watchorn
“I learnt that different waves vary in size greatly. For example, radio waves can be as big as buildings.” - Anna Edwards
“I didn’t know how old the big telescope was, and I thought it was really interesting that it was moved several times during its life. Australia bought it from NASA for the price of $1.00!” Julie Benyon
“I enjoyed using the small telescope and pointing it at things and seeing how much energy it produces. I thought it was cool how the telescopes picked up waves from very far away that we couldn’t see” - Emma Thompson
Learning about Criminal Responsibility
The Commissioner for Children and Young People, Leanne McLean, was the guest of honour in the 11/12 Legal Studies class recently. To assist the girls with their research into the topical legal issue of raising the age of criminal responsibility, the Commissioner shared her insights into the experience of juvenile offenders in Tasmania’s criminal justice system, and proposed reforms to be made. The students were given the opportunity to share their own opinions on the issue with the Commissioner, which she will be utilising as her background research before the proposed reforms are presented.
Mrs Lisa Seddon
Learning about Debating
The 2021 Debating Week events provided a fantastic opportunity for girls to engage their logic and reasoning skills and support their peers throughout five rigorous debates. As usual, the House debates were a smashing success, with topics covering social media, the length of school terms, and the danger of listening to fairy tales. Presenting a debate in front of the entire Senior School (plus Years 5 and 6) can be a daunting occasion, but the girls rose to the challenge magnificently and are to be commended for their effort and achievement.
Continuing with tradition, the Staff v Student debate was a hilarious and joyous event, with debaters actively engaging with the audience to drive their points home. Special thanks to the House Chairs for their participation at the end of a busy week, and to Ms Lutzow, Dr East and Mrs Seddon for stepping up to represent the staff.
This year, we introduced a new initiative; an exhibition debate between the Hutchins and Fahan college teams to demonstrate the skills gained from participation in debating. The topic was ‘that Hutchins should include skirts and dresses in their school uniform.’ With Hutchins arguing the affirmative, and Fahan the negative, the speeches left the audience in stitches.
By a margin of 0.4, Fenton stole the top spot in the House competition, followed closely by Franklin and Freycinet. Overall, the week was incredibly successful, and my thanks go out to the many people working behind the scenes to make it all possible.
Migali Ennis-Short
Debating Chair 2021
Learning to be Buddies
Over the past week, Lumina 9 students have met with their Kinder and Prep buddies. The goals for the older girls this semester are to develop relationships between the younger students and enhance the friendly and supportive cutlure of our School Community. The Year 9 girls really enjoyed the experience and there was much laughter and joy had by all!
Mrs Liana Hayes
Learning about Probability
The Probability Fair took place on Friday 30 July in the Fahan gym. The Year 8 students designed, created and ran games for everyone to enjoy. Each group developped a working proposal deciding the price they would charge and organising prizes. They then had to experiment with their own game, analyse their results and determine, based on their data, whether or not their game was going to generate any profit.
Robust discussions took place, valid points were made and each team finalised their project. Students used various skills learnt in English, Drama, Design and Technology and Science to generate and communicate ideas, solve problems and advertise their game.
The activity generated a lot of enjoyment along with the tidy sum of $465. Students proudly presented Wildcare with the donation this past Tuesday and made the following comments below:
"The Maths fair was great fun and I loved how we were in charge of our project. When we were making our game I learnt to manage my time well. I loved trying all the Maths games and it was a great way to learn about probability." - Isabel Wilcox
"I enjoyed when our game finally came together and we could test it out!" - Penelope Geappen
"I really enjoyed participating in the Maths probability fair and designing and creating a game based on probability in groups. My favourite part was constructing the game because we had already done all of the the theory before so we had a clear plan that we could follow. It was kind of difficult to base a game on probability, not skill, so Tess and I went through many game ideas before we came to our final one. It was very exciting seeing every groups' game at the end because it was interesting to compare them and see their thoughts on probability."- Zara Marino
"I thoroughly enjoyed creating a probability game for our Fair. It was a great way to learn about probability but in a really engaging way." - Maggie Steele
Mrs Virginie Von Savageri
Learning about Hospitality
On Wednesday 11 August, the Fahan and Hutchins students in Food Cooking and Nutrition attended the Tasmanian Hospitality Association 2021 Hospitality Showcase. The event was held at the Hobart Function Centre and was well represented by a number of Hobart schools.
Students worked through a series of workshops, which could include: bar skills, barista, kitchen operations or front of house. Students heard from industry experts and learnt about pathways and career opportunities post Year 12.
It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to meet representatives within the industry and to learn skills that could prepare them for work in the hospitality industry.
"My favourite aspect of the excursion was being able to experience the different practical workshops, and socialising with different schools. We made omelettes in kitchen skills, mocktails in bar skills and a coffee in barista skills. I really enjoyed making the coffees and learning about the coffee beans.
The excursion was really beneficial, because we learnt skills that are essential for working in the hospitality sector. We learnt how to use a coffee machine, and how to make mocktails and cocktails. We also had a Q&A panel with the instructors who were there, and found out how they got into hospitality, and where we can go if we do want to start a career in this field." - Charlotte McNeill
"I really enjoyed getting to make all the different drinks and learning how to make coffees using the barista machine. I found it very interesting and helpful to learn about all the pathways in which hospitality can lead us. It was great to be able to talk and listen to the instructors and hear their stories about where their hospitality careers have taken them." – Maddi Jones
Learning about Change
In Year 6 this term, in Science, we have been looking at reversable and irreversible changes. Over the last couple of weeks, we have been doing some science experiments to see if the changes were reversible or irreversible.
These included melting chocolates and mixing bi-carb soda with vinegar. Dr Stewart also showed us what happens when you mix lead nitrate and potassium iodide. This created a yellow liquid that was used to dye clothes back in the olden days. We also broke up into pairs to create our own mini dissolving experiment. Our options for our experiments were to dissolve one of these with water: potassium nitrate, raspberry jelly crystals, emporium salt, table salt and water. We then left it for a week and came back to see what happened with the different materials. Some were hard and some were still liquid. They were all different colours. We then used magnifying glasses to look at the small details which included small crystals.
We really enjoyed these experiments and would like to thank Ms McTaggart, Mrs Heather and Dr Stewart for organising our Science lessons in the Senior lab!
Imogen Milford, Darcy McShane and Sophie Bradfield
Learning about Fiction Writing
Last Wednesday, Arianne James, an author for the TasWriters and Fahan alumni, came to the English writing class to give techniques and advice on writing. Arianne is a writer of fiction and an avid reader too. Arianne’s work has been published in The Hunter Writers Centre’s 2015 Grieve anthology, Swinburne University’s journals Backstory and Other Terrain, and her interviews in Platform magazine.
Arianne is interested in how our energy affects the energy of the landscape and vice versa. During her interview with the English writing class, we learnt the technique of responding to the landscape to create a narrative and evoke emotions.
Arianne explained to the girls, “Everything in life is an energy exchange. We give off energy, and we receive it, so it makes sense that the environments we find ourselves in have an impact on our mood, and, conversely, that our energy has the power to affect and even change, the energy of the environments we find ourselves in. For example, most of us, at some point, have probably noticed how the atmosphere, the energy of a room, can change when someone with an exuberant personality walks in, or someone very anxious or upset, or when a conversation takes a different turn.
Writers then can use a character’s personality and mood to help enrich their description of the landscapes and places their characters inhabit, even mobilizing the landscape as though itisa character, or conversely, they might use their depiction of the landscape to reveal details of characters’ personalities."
A fabulous opportunity for our girls to learn from a Fahan alumna!
Mrs Clare Enright
Spirit in the Senior School
There has been so much to celebrate in the Senior School this fortnight. First and foremost, the incredible week of debating, culminating in an unbelievable showdown between the Staff v Students. A great topic that saw the staff arguing that jewellery should be allowed in the Senior School had the audience in absolute stitches. My congratulations go to Islay Salmon, Sarah Toose, Lilly Ansell, Dr East, Ms Lutzow and Mrs Seddon for a fabulous debate. I also want to congratulate all the girls who represented their Houses and brave Hutchins team who presented an absolutely brilliant week of debating. Most importantly, I wish to thank and congratulate Debating Chair, Migali Ennis-Short, for her organisation, enthusiasm and sensational leadership of the week. It was a great week for celebrating student success too as we acknowledged the age champions of the Athletics Carnival, certificates for the Alliance française, presented Wildcare Tasmania with a healthy $465 cheque from the Year 8 Probability Fair Fundraiser and I had the chance to hang medals on our SSATIS Cross Country representatives.
It was also my pleasure to spend last Wednesday experiencing the incredible breadth of the Fahan Community. My morning began with a networking breakfast for recent alumni and Year 12. The conversation was a buzz and our recent graduates were really insightful in sharing their experiences once they left Fahan. From there, I had the privilege of taking a series of School tours with both prospective senior and junior students and meeting our, soon to be, newest members of the Fahan Community. In the afternoon, I joined the Nateby Club ladies for lunch where we enjoyed delicious food, wonderful sharing of memories and stories (I learnt a lot!) and were also treated to a musical performance from the School’s new Chamber String Ensemble! It was such an enjoyable day and reminded me of how truly special the Fahan Community is.
On Thursday, staff engaged in the first of a series of professional learning events called Teach Meets. These are an opportunity to share best practice and create a community of learners as we seek to refine and rejuvenate our teaching. Our first session looked at Differentiation and how we can support all learners to be challenged, yet supported. The discussions were electric and I came away with so many new ideas to try in the classroom. It was also fantastic to role model to the girls that we are all learners and continue to strive towards improving ourselves and our work.
Mr Jack Machin
Deputy Principal
Spirit - Q&A with Mrs Nicola Horne, Receptionist
What made you choose your career?
I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! In that regard I didn’t really find a career as such, rather I found opportunities where I enjoyed the people around me and which also afforded me the life balance I wanted.
Of what are you most proud?
On a personal level my daughter Madison makes me immensely proud. Professionally I would say being brave enough to step up and do something new. I knew moving into a working role at Fahan School would be a fantastic opportunity, yet, after spending the majority of my working life (some 18 years) at MyState Bank it came with its fair share of nerves and apprehension for what I would be saying goodbye to.
What do you enjoy most about working at Fahan?
The friendliness of the staff and the smiling faces of the girls as they come are always a welcome part of the day.
How would you describe yourself in one sentence?
I would describe myself as a happy introvert that plans in advance but somehow is still making it up as they go; organised chaos.
Spirit -Junior School Sport
Hobart Hurricanes Cricket Clinic
It was fantastic to see Fahan Alumna, Chloe Abel (Class of 2020), and her teammates at the Hobart Hurricanes at Fahan today to run a cricket clinic with our girls from Years 1 to 4. There were big smiles all round as the girls practiced their ball skills and learnt all about the game of cricket from the professionals.
Fun on the Junior School Green
Our younger girls have enjoyed games of totem tennis on the Junior School Green over the past few weeks. They always take advantage of any opportunity to be active and I enjoy seeing the improvements in their skills!
Junior Basketball
The basketball roster has is underway with some keenly fought games at Fahan last Thursday. As previously advised, please ensure that you are aware of the COVID protocols of each gym, especially the Uni Gym, where temperature testing is undertaken and a permission form will need to be filled out. Additionally, some games will require the girls to depart early from class. Whilst this is not desirable, unfortunately the number of available gymnasiums does not equate to the number of teams in the roster and hence often requires two timeslots. Information regarding these games and the temperature testing has gone out via Edsmart.
Junior Athletics
As mentioned last week, we are looking forward to the Athletics season and below are details of future carnivals for the students in Years 3-6.
Junior House Athletics
Domain Athletics Centre
Thursday 16 September
JSSATIS Athletics
Domain Athletics Centre
Thursday 11 November
Mr Tim Dale
Junior Sport Co-ordinator
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Fahan House Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to Freycinet who were the winning House at the Athletics Carnival that was held on Thursday 29 July.
1st place – Freycinet 1034
2nd place – Fenton 993
3rd place – Franklin 871
Below are the Athletics Trophy Winners for 2021:
Junior Track Champion
Winner – Tara Sciberras
Runner up – Amelia Steedman
Junior Field Champion
Winner – Charlotte Palmer
Runner up – Amelia Steedman
Intermediate Track Champion
Winner – Keala Hayes
Runner up – Charlotte Crawford
Intermediate Field Champion
Winner – Isabel Willcox
Runner up – Penelope Geappon
Senior Track Champion
Winner – Laura Cooper
Runner up – Ava Allanby
Senior Field Champion
Winner – Laura Cooper
Runner up – Billie Roger
Overall Fahan Inter House Track and Field Champion 2021:
Winner - Laura Cooper
Runner up – Amelia Steedman
The squad for the SSATIS Athletics is now on the sports notice board and The Tree. An Edsmart has been sent and a detailed training schedule is on the Tree. If a training session needs to be cancelled it will be posted on the Tree. If a session at the Domain is cancelled due to weather it will be on the News on the Tree by 6:30am. Please check if you are unsure.
The SSATIS Athletics will be held on Tuesday 7 September at the Domain Athletics Centre. The SATIS Athletics will be held on Saturday 18 September in Hobart and the Domain Athletics Centre.
I hope you enjoy this highlights video of the House Athletics carnival!
Mrs Jo Banks-Smith
Senior Sport Co-ordinator
0428 031 012
Community - Variety Monster Book Fair
The Variety Monster Book Fair organisers appreciated the help of our Lumina 9 girls this week to quality check the books and sort them into categories for sale, all to raise funds for kids who are sick, disadvantaged or have additional needs. The girls were really efficient and enthusiastic, cracking open boxes and discussing where to put the books.
There were many memories as they looked at the children's picture book section, and many books were purchased as a result! The girls worked beautifully together as a team and we had the tables put out and the boxes opened, crushed and stacked in no time. It was great to chat to all the volunteers and feel the atmosphere at the warehouse. A great day out!
Ms Isabeau Sloan
Community in the Junior School
Fahan girls’ sense of community and connection to their School environment and peers is so evident in the everyday comings and goings of life at School.
On a recent tour through the Junior School, with a slightly nervous prospective Fahan girl and her family, it was truly delightful to see the warmth and kindness with which our visitors touring the School were greeted.
Girls in every class we visited smiled and made our visitors welcome and as we walked around the School and the feedback from the prospective Fahan girl at the end of the tour was testiment to this.
As I walk through the School taking tours, the many passing conversations between families, staff and students are a wonderful example of how we all have a genuine interest in the activities and wellbeing of others. As I am sure many of us would understand, considering a new school, new routines and a new group of possible friends is quite an adjustment for some and I was certainly struck by the care and desire our girls here clearly have to welcome others and share that sense of belonging they have for their School.
Mrs Amanda Evans
Head of Junior School
Community - One sleep until the P&F Gala Dinner!
We are here at Party Headquarters and counting down until we hit the red carpet on Saturday night for our SOLD OUT P&F Hollywood Gala Dinner. We can’t wait to welcome members of the Fahan Community for a fun-filled night at The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania in Sandy Bay.
A couple of reminders for our guests -
- The theme is Hollywood and there are prizes for best and worst dressed – no Kanye please!
- Please think about Catching an Uber, T-Uber (your P-plate teenage driver), limo or a cab if you intend to party like a movie star
- Please bring cash (if you can) for the Wine Pull ($25 per pull); and the Heads and Tails Game ($20 pp)
We do have EFTPOS facilities for all purchases, but cash is the preferred payment option for the two games above. We will also accept cheques for live and silent auction items.
We have some fabulous LIVE auction items including a Staycation (also known as COVID-CATION) 2021; One Term of Fahan School Fees; One Week Accomodation in Queenstown, New Zealand; Art Work by Alex Pitt and a Tassie Premium Wine Package!
I look forward to seeing you there.
Catherine Matterson
Fahan Parents and Friends
Community - Alumni Year 12 Networking Breakfast
The opportunity for our Fahan Alumni and Year 12 girls to come together is always welcomed and last week's networking breakfast, hosted by our Deputy Principal, Mr Jack Machin, was the fourth in the series we introduced earlier this year. Our Year 12 girls embraced the opportunity to hear stories of life beyond School and listened intently to the advice, experiences and insights that the Alumni shared. Thank you to Maria Daglas and Abi Rothery, Class of 2013; Holly Tranter, Class of 2015, Jemima Barker, Class of 2016 and Katie Tranter, Class of 2019 for such a wonderful morning of conversation.
Community - News from Nateby
A few highlights from this week included an impromptu ‘bubble tea’ excursion, filling in the Census and a musical performance! On Tuesday afternoon the boarders spontaneously decided to go and get bubble tea together in Sandy Bay. It was lovely to see our boarders (ranging in age from Year 6 to Year 12) heading out together and genuinely enjoying each other’s company.
Tuesday evening involved an activity that was a little less exciting, although very important. The girls completed the Census together in the dining room after dinner. The online process made it pretty straightforward, with the only tricky question being “Fiona, am I an inmate or a resident?” On Thursday evening some of the girls went to see ‘Wicked’ at Collegiate. We were delighted by an invitation to have dinner with the Collegiate boarders beforehand, and the girls enjoyed the opportunity to explore their Boarding House!
Ms Fiona Short
Head of Boarding
Community Notices
Fahan School Uniform Purchases
Fahan School uniform items can be ordered through the Flexischools website or App (Apple of Google). If a uniform fitting is required, please email Mrs Birgitta Browning at uniformshop@fahan.tas.edu.au
Canteen online orders are taken before school through the Flexischools website or App. A variety of foods are offered and healthy, nutritional choices are encouraged. Parents can also load money onto a student's ID card through the Flexischools App so that students from Year 3 may use their student card to purchase items from the canteen.
Fahan School Bus Service
For more information on the Fahan Bus Service, please click here.