A Fortnight at Fahan - Term 4, 29 October 2021
Acting Principal's Report
Learning about Orientation
Learning about the Outdoors
Learning About Camp
Learning About Bush Skills
Learning About Dissection
Learning About JATNET Japanese Speech Competition
Spirit - Q&A with School Counsellor, Ms Zoe Hannaford
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Community - Childrens Lord Mayor of The City of Hobart
Community - Variety Bike for Kids
Community - P&F Update
Community - Important Reminder
Community Notices
Acting Principal's Report
What a pleasure it is to write my first piece for Fortnight at Fahan!
At the end of last term, we farewelled our Counsellor, Maria Conway, whose warmth and wisdom were appreciated by us all. This term, we were delighted to welcome our new Counsellor, Zoe Hannaford to Fahan. Zoe has previously undertaken a counselling role at The Hutchins School and is passionate about supporting young people to be the best version of themselves.
The role of a counsellor is significant and an integral part of Pastoral Care at Fahan. Counsellors are empathetic listeners who support students and their families through challenging moments in their lives. Their knowledge of psychology and education is at the heart of their work and they interact closely with staff and external agencies, to ensure the highest standards of care for our students, whilst maintaining confidentiality. Thank you, Zoe for joining our team.
At the very start of this term, we were well-prepared for an unforeseen lockdown and although we did not need to transition to online learning, you should be confident that programs are in place for such a shift, if necessary.
Today marks the end of formal classes for our Years 11 and 12 students. In particular, our Year 12s have reached the time where they are beginning to celebrate many ‘final’ events, the first of which was an assembly this morning. The contribution of these girls has been significant and as a staff, we have been so impressed with their passion and dedication to their fundraising efforts, and to the life of the School over the past 12 months. This can also be a stressful time and we know, as parents, you are your daughter’s best support as they navigate the next few weeks. My advice is to keep supplying them with nutritious food, encourage them to have good sleep habits and a quiet place to study.
We wish them all the very best for the upcoming TCE examinations.
Best wishes
Meg Lawson
Learning about Orientation
We are looking forward to Orientation Morning on Wednesday 24 November. For girls currently in Years 4, 5 and 6, as there are two classes offered the following year, we will ask your daughter to identify several friends with whom she works well. This will take place during class time. If you have any concerns about the following year, please contact your daughter’s class teacher or myself for a confidential discussion prior to Orientation morning.
Mrs Susan Wright
Acting Head of Junior School
Learning about the Outdoors
Spring time in our beautiful playground is so much fun. We love playing in the sunshine on our equipment, climbing the climbing frame, spinning on the spinners and swinging on the swings! We love seeing all the flowers and peering closely at the cute bugs. We love exploring the secret paths, playing on the Green and weaving through the bushy bits with our friends!
By Year 2
Learning About Camp
Year 3 had their first camp at the start of term and it was very exciting. We left on Wednesday 13 October on the Outdoor Education bus. We like this bus especially, because the seats are sideways!
When we got to Orana, which is at Roches Beach, we started unpacking our bags from the trailer in a big conga line. Then we went into the cabins to see who our cabin mates were. We were happy and grateful that we could have different experiences with other people who we might not usually play with.
Most of the first day was spent at Roches Beach. At the beach we moved into three groups and we played some beach games, went for a walk and played in the water. It was very cold in the water, but some people dived in and other people body surfed. We did a lot of star jumps with Jayde to keep warm when we got out!
Later in the afternoon, we made fossils using plaster and items that we had collected on the beach. We also created some amazing sand sculptures.
That night for dinner we had sausages, burgers and salad and for dessert we had icecream with topping. For supper we had Milo and some cookies.
Before bed we introduced everyone to our toys we brought to sleep with, and then we played some Chinese Whispers. It was a bit scary before we went to bed because it was our first camp away from our parents. Some people found it hard to sleep and the bunks were a bit worrying for some people because they thought they might fall off. After what seemed like a long time, everyone was fast asleep.
On our second day, we were all very tired, but after a breakfast of cereal and egg and bacon muffins, we felt ready to start our day. We had heaps of fun at the Adventure Playground. We needed to support each other as we tried different challenges such as balancing on a high beam and crawling through a tunnel of swinging tyres.
After morning tea, we spent some time playing outside games, like cricket and frisbee, and some indoor “Minute to Win It” games. The best one was called ‘suck it up’ and we had to try and move M&Ms from one bowl to another using just a straw and no hands! Then we got to eat the M&Ms!
We all had so much fun at our camp. Thanks to Jayde and Mrs Gath for coming along and making our camp so amazing!
Saige Scott, Mia Perndt, Emilie Fredon and Mrs Lumsden-Steel
Learning About Bush Skills
On Tuesday 19 October, Year 4 girls had a bush skills excursion at the Waterworks. In groups of 7, Mr Hodgman, Mr Goodwolf, Jayde and Gemma took us on a bushwalk past Annie Falls where looked at the different types of mushrooms and trees. We then had three activities of orienteering, aboriginal studies and some art. This was learning how to read a map, learning about the bush and some indigenous words. We also learnt about rock painting and sketching. We had so much fun doing bush skills and we all cannot wait until next year for camp.
Indira Leary and Clare Stewart
Learning About Dissection
On Monday 25 October, both Year 9 Science classes were treated to the experience of dissecting a cow’s eyeball. We have been learning all about how each structure in the mammal eye works and allows us to see clearly. This has included the lens, cornea, retina, pupil, sclera and iris. This opportunity allowed the students to bring the theory they had learnt from diagrams into real life. Thank you, as always, to Dr Stewart for sourcing the eyes and setting up the lab for us. Some comments from students:
The experience was very insightful – no pun intended. Coco Butler
Although it was a little confronting, it was a great learning experience and helped us understand and apply our knowledge of the eye into a practical lesson. Sophie Bury
It was really sticky and fun! Ruby Chesterman
I didn’t think I’d be able to touch it, but I touched it! Evy Papastamatis
I couldn’t believe how intact the lens was and how well it magnified. Georgie Hansen
Ms Felicity Jacobs and Dr Mel East
Learning About JATNET Japanese Speech Competition
A big congratulations to the thirteen students who were chosen to represent Fahan School in the recent statewide Japanese Speech Competition.
Years 5 to 7 students wrote and memorised a speech about themselves, Year 8 memorised and recited a speech titled ‘My Place’, Year 9 wrote a speech about ‘Last Saturday’ and Year 10 were interviewed about themselves in Japanese.
All students were excellent ambassadors for our School and should be very proud of their efforts!
Year 5
Ruby Williamson - Honourable Mention
Lucy Stoneman - Participation
Year 6
Meral Asad - Participation
Year 7
Ella Baird - Honourable Mention
Kate Edwards - Participation
Year 8
Felicity Barling - Participation
Nellie Cheek - Participation
Beth Milford - Participation
Mia Fagan - 2nd Place
Year 9
Hannah Sciberras - Participation
Julie Tarsesi - Participation
Year 10A
Grace Fabris - 1st Place
Sienna Woodford - Participation
Mrs Clare Enright
Spirit - Q&A with School Counsellor, Ms Zoe Hannaford
What made you choose your career?
When I first left school, I wanted to be a veterinarian, and this led me to studying a Bachelor of Science at The University of Tasmania. As part of this course, I did two psychology units which I thoroughly enjoyed and found incredibly interesting. I went on to study psychology when I moved to Sydney, and it was during this time that I learnt a lot more about mental health and mental health care. I chose to continue my studies in counselling and psychotherapy as I was drawn to this conversational way of working and building connection with clients. It has been a bit of a journey towards landing on exactly what I wanted to do!
Of what are you most proud?
Between studying Science and Psychology when I was still finding my place in the world, I went on a trip to Europe by myself with next to no plans. I had many wonderful adventures (and some awful ones), but the most memorable part of the journey was my walk across Spain. I ended up walking the Camino de Santiago, an 820km trek from the French village of St Jean Pied De Port to Santiago de Compostela right over on Spain’s north-western tip. It was hard and uncomfortable most of the time, mentally and physically exhausting and after almost every day I decided I could not carry my backpack for one more minute. Somehow after 28 days I arrived at the end. It was a lesson; we are always more capable than we think we are! I am a sucker for the comfort zone, so this walk was quite a life changing experience for me and opened up many doors, so I am proud of having given myself that opportunity.
What do you enjoy most about working at Fahan?
There is a wonderful sense of community at Fahan that filters throughout the whole School, and I have loved getting to know this community while also having the privilege of being a part of it. As Fahan is a smaller School, there is the opportunity for each individual to be seen and to make their own unique mark. I think that is incredibly special and not to be taken for granted.
How would you describe yourself in one sentence?
I am a homebody and my family and friends are most important to me. I love learning about people and hearing stories, but I also enjoy spending time alone.
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Junior Basketball
Whilst the Basketball roster concluded in Term 3, I did miss thanking our coaches, Shelley Lampkin, Phaedon Stough and Richard Colquhoun. Their time and effort was greatly appreciated by both myself and the girls.
Junior Teeball
The Years 3/4 Teeball roster is finally underway, having missed the first game due to a forfeit. The girls are training hard under the tutelage of Mrs Baxter and Mrs Christie and enjoyed their first game against St. Virgil’s on Tuesday afternoon. Many thanks to Mrs Baxter and Mrs Christie for looking after this team.
Junior Cricket
The Junior Cricket roster has unfortunately enjoyed no luck thus far. A lockdown scuppered their first fixture, and then Tasmania’s wet October their next. Fingers crossed for this coming Monday! Many thanks to Emma Doherty, Mrs Heather and Mrs Lumsden-Steel for looking after our three teams.
Junior Touch Football
This roster has managed to dodge a lockdown and the bad weather, playing in glorious sunshine for the first two weeks! Fahan has three of the six teams entered, which is quite remarkable. A big thank you goes to Mr Hodgman, Lilly Evans-Gregg and Evie Banks-Smith who have undertaken coaching and umpiring duties.
JSSATIS Athletics
Training for the JSSATIS Athletics is well underway. Unfortunately, the weather has precluded the odd session.
A program with competitors and events will be distributed during the course of next week. Fahan once again has the honour of hosting the event. If there are any parents who will be attending the event and would be happy to help officiate eg. measure, rake, it would be appreciated if you would please contact me at dalet@fahan.tas.edu.au
Where: Domain Athletics Centre
When: 11 November 2021
Time: Commencing at 10:00am
Mr Tim Dale
Junior Sport Co-ordinator
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Congratulations to Ella Atkins, Amelia Steedman, Charlotte Crawford and Prue Clark who represented Fahan in the All Schools Track and Field Championships in Launceston on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 October. There were some excellent results:
Charlotte Crawford - ran the 100m preliminary final
Ella Atkins - 1st U18 1500m, 1st U18 800m
Amelia Steedman - 3rd U14 high Jump, 4th U14 long jump, 1st U14 80 m hurdles, 6th U14 200m 6th
Prue Clark - 5th U16 1500m, 4th U16 800m
Congratulations to Sophie Rolls who has been appointed as Fahan Captain of Boats for the 2021/2022 rowing season. We are looking forward to the season beginning with the Junior Quad Scull Regatta. This a Regatta for U13, U14 and U15 and will be held at New Norfolk on Saturday 4 December. The Open rowers will have their first race the following day, Sunday 5 December, also at New Norfolk. This is the Ally Cashion 8’s and is an 8km race. We wish our rowers the very best for the season ahead.
The Years 9 and 10 tennis roster and the Years 7 and 8 roster have begun. We have seven tennis teams this term and would like to thank Ken Allanby for coaching these girls on Friday at lunchtime.
The Fahan sailing team has been competing on a Wednesday evening at the Sandy Bay Sailing Club. The team is enjoying the competition and they have had pleasing results.
A Year 7 Cricket team will play in the High Schools Girls Cricket School Cup Gala Day. This will take place on Tuesday 2 November from 10:00am until 1:30pm. The games will be held at Soldiers Memorial Oval and girls will play 3 games of modified T20 cricket throughout the course of the day.
Girls in Years 7–10 will participate in the Secondary Schools Beach Volleyball Schools Cup on Thursday 18 and Friday 19 November at Kingston Beach. We are looking forward to an enjoyable day.
Mrs Jo Banks-Smith
Senior Sport Co-ordinator
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Community - Childrens Lord Mayor of The City of Hobart
As a part of National Children’s Week, the Lord Mayor of Hobart invited primary school students to write a proposal about what they would do if they were Mayor of Hobart. The program allowed children from Years 3 to 6 to submit a piece of writing to the Mayor of Hobart about something they would like to change or create to help children in the future.
The winning ideas were announced and read out at a children’s reception in Hobart Town Hall this week. Congratulations to Year 6 student, Ollie McDonald, who received a highly-commended for her idea.
Each school was able to enter one piece of writing. The Mayor and a board full of people decided the best four entries. The best two became Lord Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the day and had the opportunity to follow the Mayor and experience life in that role for a day. I was so excited to be awarded a highly commended which was 3rd place. Both myself and the 4th place student received a signed book of the city's history and a scroll of highly commended. I attended a high tea at the Town Hall with the Mayor on Wednesday and the top four students read their speeches and we put on a mock City Council meeting debate about whether we thought each other's ideas would work and how we would need to plan them.
It was a wonderful opportunity to meet the Mayor and talk with others from different schools.
Ollie McDonald
Community - Variety Bike for Kids
Our Lumina 9 girls baked some delicious Halloween-themed treats this week to raise money for the Variety Bike for Kids fundraiser. There were many big smiles across the Junior and Senior School as they supported the Lumina 9 students to fundraise for this fantastic cause which gives the gift of independence and joy to children who have never been fortunate enough to have a bike of their own.
Community - P&F Update
"As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands — one for helping yourself, the other for helping others." Audrey Hepburn
Dear Fahan families,
The P&F extends a very warm welcome to Mrs Meg Lawson, who attended our first Term 4 P&F meeting this week. We very much look forward to collaborating with Mrs Lawson in her new role.
In other news, if you are the parent of a child in the Junior School you will have received the invitation for our upcoming P&F Movie Night at Village Cinemas for the showing of the Disney film “Encanto” on Sunday 5 December 2021. Seats are limited so please purchase your tickets sooner rather than later! It should be a very fun evening and a nice way to finish out the school year. Book your tickets here: https://www.fahan.tas.edu.au/events/p-f-movie-night-disney-s-encanto
The P&F is providing a Staff Appreciation Morning Tea in late November as a thank you to all teachers and staff. We will have a few lucky door prizes, and as always, we welcome any community donations.
Our last P&F meeting will be on Tuesday 12 November at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. We will be serving a few Christmas treats and you can get some insight into 2022 community events and fundraising plans and maybe you will decide to join us.
A reminder of our email address which is pandf@fahan.tas.edu.au. We value and respond to all correspondence from our School Community.
Catherine Matterson
President, P&F Association
Community - Important Reminder
Parents are kindly reminded that students must not arrive in the Junior School prior to 8:15am as there is no supervision before this time. We thank you for your cooperation.
Community Notices
Fahan School Uniform Purchases
Fahan School uniform items can be ordered through the Flexischools website or App (Apple of Google). If a uniform fitting is required, please email Mrs Birgitta Browning at uniformshop@fahan.tas.edu.au
Canteen online orders are taken before school through the Flexischools website or App. A variety of foods are offered and healthy, nutritional choices are encouraged. Parents can also load money onto a student's ID card through the Flexischools App so that students from Year 3 may use their student card to purchase items from the canteen.
Fahan School Bus Service
For more information on the Fahan Bus Service, please click here.