A Fortnight at Fahan - Term 1, 14 April 2022
Principal's Report
Learning about Easter
Learning about Family in Prep
Learning about Different Types of Data
Learning about Narryna
Learning about Persuasive Text
Learning about Great Explorers of the World
Learning about Camping
Learning about the Town Hall
Learning about Impro Sports
Learning about the East Coast
Learning about Science in Year 7
Learning about Marketing Strategies
Spirit - Easter Bunnies for Buddies
Spirit - Character Strengths
Spirit - Outdoor Education
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Spirit - Students of the World
Community - Making Flowers for Sandown Retirement Village Residents
Community - Amnesty Visit with Tania
Community - Year 12 Fundraiser
Community Update from the P&F
Community - Parent and Carer Webinars
Community - Alliance of Girls' Schools Australia - Keeping Safe in Cyberspace
Community - Uniform Reminder
Community - Student Absence
Community - Lady Gowrie Term 1 Vacation Care Program
Community Notices
Principal's Report
We have had a incredibly busy fortnight at Fahan which you will see as you read through the articles in this newsletter. We have been blessed with some beautiful weather, which has made the timing of several events very fortunate. Our Year 9s have had wonderful camp experiences on East Coast at Kelvedon and Maria Island and our Year 5s also enjoyed a fabulous three-day camp to Kelvedon. Camps such as these take considerable organisation, and we are grateful for the Outdoor Education Team who put these together. We are pleased they were able to go ahead whilst still managing the risk of COVID.
Our Senior Athletics Carnival was last Friday on a beautiful sunny day, which I am sure made participation rates even higher than they usually are. The Tasmanian Schools Teams Racing State Sailing Championships also took place over the weekend and we congratulate the girls on their involvement.
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Opens Four crew who won third place in the finals at the 2022 Australian Rowing Championships on Lake Nagambie in Victoria. This was truly a wonderful achievement, and I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate the girls for their commitment to make it to this level. We are very proud of you all! As well as this, we congratulate to Year 11 student, Ella Atkins, who competed in the 2022 Australian Track and Field Championships in Sydney. Ella now holds the title of National Champion, winning a gold medal in the U18 Women 2000 Metre Steeplechase. A magnificent effort!
As you will have noted from correspondence yesterday, I am pleased to announce that we have appointed Tania Gath as the new Head of Junior School. As a long serving staff member, Tania has an excellent understanding of our students, School and community. Tania is committed to the continuous improvement of the Junior School and fostering the positive development of both students and staff. Fahan are fortunate to have Tania in this position.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Susan Wright for stepping into the role of Acting Head of Junior School. Susan has calmly and efficiently approached every situation, competently managing the Junior School until we had made a permanent appointment.
I would also like to announce the appointment of Stephanie Hogan as the Coordinator of Academic Support. Stephanie comes to us from The Friends' School and will start with us at the beginning of next term. She has extensive experience in this area and will be a tremendous asset to our staff.
I also have some sad news for Fahan and that is the resignation of Dr Alison Manson, who will be leaving us at the end of Term 2. Ali has been successful in being appointed as the Vice Principal – Howqua at Lauriston Girls’ School in Victoria. This is an exciting move for Ali and her family, who will join her in Victoria at the end of the year. Ali’s appointment is testament to the fine teacher and leader that she is. Ali has been an outstanding member of the staff at Fahan, being here for a cumulative total of 14 and a half years. In more recent years, Ali has been instrumental in strengthening the Outdoor Education and Positive Education programs, making them such an important part of being a Fahan student. Losing her will certainly be a great loss for Fahan, but we know that Ali is going to an exciting new position. I’m sure Lauriston already knows how lucky they are!
Although students across the School were unable to get together for the traditional Big Sister, Little Sister Easter gathering, our Junior School Chair, Mia Peatling, found a unique way to connect the Junior and Senior girls at Fahan this week. Mia recruited the Years 7 and 8 students to create beautiful hand made cards and Easter packages while the students in Years 9 to 12 wrote personalised messages in the cards for all the Junior School girls in Kinder through to Year 6. These were delivered by Mia and an enthusiastic Easter Bunny yesterday and were received with much joy and excitement.
It has certainly been an eventful term, which commenced with the very tragic loss of Mia Stoneman, who will forever be in our hearts. I know that we are all eager for a break to rest and recharge, ready for a busy and productive Term 2.
Wishing you all a happy and relaxing Easter Break.
Best wishes
Meg Lawson
Learning about Easter
On Wednesday, the Kinder students were invited to celebrate the end of their very first term by wearing an Easter bonnet. The hats were very stylish and decorated with ribbons and bows, flowers and bunnies and eggs. On our walk, the Kinders discovered some small gifts and even met the Easter Bunny who was delivering some personalised gifts from the Senior School girls! It was a wonderful conclusion to the term.
Kinder students have enjoyed sharing Easter stories and family traditions:
We will have an egg hunt!
We will hunt for chocolate eggs
We go camping at the beach
We go camping with our neighbours
We go camping too!
We have a bbq at our nan's
We are making a special Easter dinner, with hot chicken
I am going to Melbourne to my friends' house
We will have fish
We wish all our families a safe and happy Easter break.
Mrs Meg Denman
Learning about Family in Prep
As part of our work in HASS, Prep class members have been exploring themes related to family and what makes us unique, as well as culture and what makes us different and how we can value those differences. There have been some very heartfelt discussions around these topics. Prep class members shared the following thoughts:
Harmony is about:
- friendship
- love
- sharing and taking care of other people
- being kind to others and giving lots of love
- living in peace
- being thoughtful about other people
- giving courage to other people
Family is about:
- everyone eating around a table at the same time
- love
- good times and sad times
- when people die and you have to go to a funeral
- being connected
- living all together in a house
- sharing birthday parties and bbqs
- my pet is part of my family
- we go on holidays together
- I love my grandparents
- I have family who live far away but we are still family
Ms Kim Menadue
Learning about Different Types of Data
The Year 1 girls have been learning about different types of data and how we can make information easier to read and interpret. After learning how to create a graph with simple data, the class was then ready to tackle a more complex task. The girls surveyed one other and gathered information about how many teeth they had each lost.
The graphs very quickly displayed a wide variety in how frequently the tooth fairy had visited and it was easy to determine who had lost the most and the least number of teeth.
It was interesting to hear the girls generating ideas for future surveys they might conduct with suggestions like ‘favourite sport’, ‘best pet’ and ‘colour of your car’ being popular topics.
Mrs Sarah Parsons
Learning about Narryna
On Wednesday 13 April, Year 2 visited Narryna in Battery Point. We marvelled at the detailed sewing by girls as young as us and the dolls they played with. We laughed at the baths and chamber pots and expressed a great deal of gratitude for today’s bathroom conveniences! We learnt about old fashioned washing machines (servants), fridges (cellars and meat safes), and the inconveniences of no running water or electricity. We loved the idea of ringing bells when we wanted something and laughed at the old fashioned underwear!
We enjoyed drawing and exploring the gardens at Narryna and ended the day with lunch and a play in the sunshine at Princes Park. Thank you to Mrs McMahon, Pippi’s mother Anna and Isabel’s mother Izabel for joining us.
Mrs Sophie Baxter
Learning about Persuasive Text
In Year 3, we have spent the last few weeks learning how to write a persuasive text. We have found the OREO structure to be very helpful:
O- state your opinion
R- give reasons (at least three)
E- give examples/explanations for each reason
O- restate your opinion.
Our latest topic was ‘Easter Celebrations: Bilby versus Bunny Rabbit'? We argued why the bilby would be a more appropriate Easter icon/egg-giver than the rabbit in Australia. Here are some of our reasons:
Rabbits are an introduced pest. They cause a great deal of destruction to our natural environment. Claire
Rabbits steal bilbies’ burrows. Klara Koch
Bilbies are an endangered native animal. Ava Wang
Rabbits destroy natural vegetation and cause soil erosion. Hailey Zhang
Rabbits eat the food that many other native animals need to eat. Frankie Gorringe
We learnt that when you buy a chocolate bilby, 30 cents from each sale goes to the ‘Save the Bilby Fund’, which supports the conservation of this threatened native species. Please buy bilbies, not bunnies!
Happy Easter, everyone!
Mrs Nicole Bury
Learning about Great Explorers of the World
In Year 4, the students have researched a great explorer of the world. They considered such questions as what were the life and travels of the explorer, which parts of the journey were difficult for them and how the exploration changed the places they visited. In these activities, the girls wrote a journal entry of their explorer as part of the captain’s log using fountain pens and created a scale model of their explorer’s boat.
Mr David Hodgman
Learning about Camping
Year 5 spent three magical days at Kelvedon last week. The students, together with Mrs Wright, Mrs Dalton, Jayde Steer, Hannah Steele and canoeing legend, Abigail, had the most fabulous time. For many students it was their first experience at camping in a tent and not having access to electricity. Whilst this did create a few nervous moments, the girls worked together to enable every person to face up to new experiences and make the most of every opportunity. The students enjoyed canoeing, mountain bike riding, team building challenges, bush walking, fabulous food and the most amazing weather. Thank you to all the staff for making it possible, and to the students for making our 2022 Kelvedon camp such a wonderful experience.
I enjoyed sleeping in a tent for the first time. It was super fun and the tents were really nice. I learnt how to make salad wraps and learnt to use the long drop toilets. I worked well with others and saw my friends in a new light. This made our friendships stronger. I played Red Faces which was super fun and our team won! In our spare time we played Colour Monsters, Chinese Whispers and Gang Ups in the dark. Milla Gorringe
I loved canoeing, we had a water fight and played with a ball. Niamh, Amelie and I all went swimming to the island. I liked the mountain bike riding, the scavenger hunt, trust games and Red Faces. Poppy Davies
Mrs Susan Wright and Mrs Ursula Dalton
Learning about the Town Hall
On Friday 8 April, Year 6 visited The Hobart Town Hall with the Lord Mayor, Anna Reynolds, as our tour guide. After visiting the Henry Hunter Reading Room, we ventured to the Ballroom. The magnificent chandeliers and frieze in the ballroom were a beautiful sight. The next room we visited was where a debate began in the Council Chambers. We had our own Fahan Council to move a new amendment ‘to tighten the e-scooter law of underage riding.’ It was here that the majority of the Fahan Council agreed to the amendment.
By Maisey Smith and Maya Cubit
Learning about Impro Sports
On Monday 11 April, the Year 8 classes participated in an Impro Sports competition. We were split into groups of three within each class and we had Mrs Lawson, Ms Jacobs and Mr Summers to judge. Each group performed two of the following one-minute categories: A Word at A Time Story, Shared Story, Commercial and Mime. Then each group performed a two-minute game, either a Count Down or a Scene 2 Way. After adding up the scores, the four winning teams were selected to face off in the final round; the teams who made it participated in a round of Space Jump. The winning team, named Shrimp People, (Adele, Millie and Emma) came from 8O winning their class the title of the Impro Sport Champions for 2022.
It was a successful contest and everyone who participated enjoyed it – we are all looking forward to our next opportunity to compete in more drama contests.
Thank you to Ms Best for organising the event, and to Mrs Lawson, Ms Jacobs and Mr Summers for judging. Also, a big thank you goes to Brendan for helping us with tech support.
By Ruby Squires, Chloe Groom and Millie Coyne
Learning about the East Coast
On Monday 28 March both Year 9 classes headed off to Kelvedon and Maria Island for the annual curriculum camp. Each class had two and a half days in each location. This camp is designed as a classroom in the outdoors, where the students participate in authentic learning experiences in a natural environment. Activities included presentations of places with historical significance around the Swansea area; an English creative writing task based on historical facts of the area; 3D Art sculptures using natural materials, inspired by artist Andy Goldsworthy; an ecology Science activity snorkelling and rockpool rambling; and a Mathematics activity using a scale to draw something in the landscape at Darlington on Maria Island.
I loved the Painted Cliffs on Maria Island, being able to freely tour Swansea, and sitting aroudn the bonfire at Kelvedon Imogen Mulder
I loved the snorkelling on Maria Island because I love the ocean. I also really enjoyed talking to peers I don't normally spend a lot of time with. Eadie Davidson
I loved the snorkelling on Maria Island because it was my first time. I loved everything about the camp. Jemima Baker
I loved that we had two mini camps that were very different - Kelvedon and Maria Island Talia Lynch
Dr Alison Manson
Learning about Science in Year 7
We’ve have had a great start to Science this year! In our introduction we learnt about different branches of Science and what they involve. We each had our own scientist and looked at what they do and their role in society. We learnt about the scientific method, how to measure accurately and how to plan a fair test.
In our first practical, we created rotocopters and then dropped them from different heights, cutting off the blades each time we dropped them. We really enjoyed this prac and learnt a lot from it. We learnt about how certain variables can affect the time the rotocopter takes to hit the ground. We have also started learning about different forces. We investigated how far a toy car would go on different surfaces, and how the friction affects its speed. This prac was extremely insightful and was a great way of expanding our knowledge about forces. Overall, Year 7 students have had a wonderful start to Science, and are excited to see what we will be learning later in the year.
By Lola Wills
Learning about Marketing Strategies
As part of our research about marketing and the use of marketing to connect businesses to their ideal customer, the Years 9/10 Business Studies class visited Woolworths Sandy Bay to explore the marketing strategies used in product placement within the store. The students were able to observe marketing in action when they noticed the way sale prices were displayed, the use of the end of aisles for pertinent displays of products, and the floor plan arrangement of the store as a whole. The students enjoyed the opportunity to see how the concepts we studied in class were shown in real life. Thank you to Woolworths Sandy Bay for hosting us for the morning.
Mrs Lisa Seddon
Spirit - Easter Bunnies for Buddies
We have missed spending time with our Pre-Kinder and Kinder buddies this term, so we decided that we would make some paper bunnies to wish them a Happy Easter. We loved delivering these to our younger buddies and seeing the smiles on their faces!
Alexandra Smith
Spirit - Character Strengths
In Year 7 Fenton we have been exploring our Character Strengths in many different ways. This week we have been learning to sew small, felt hearts. Here are some of our thoughts on the Character Strengths we have used:
Perseverance because you have to keep on trying and not give up. Meral Asad
Kindness because you have to be kind to yourself if you make a mistake! Charlotte Greenaway
Bravery because you’ve got to try and accomplish your goal. Chloe Ross
Forgiveness because may prick yourself with a needle so you’ve got to forgive yourself! Chloe Colquhoun
Other Strengths have included a ‘Love of Learning’ and ‘Creativity’. Everyone has made one heart and some people have made two or three! The initiative is inspired by the 1000 Hearts project and is about kindness, community and creativity. Next term, we look forward to teaching our friends in 7 Freycinet and 7 Franklin how to sew hearts!
Ms Fiona Short
Spirit - Outdoor Education
We have been extremely fortunate this term to be able to offer outdoor experiences and camps to our students this term. The Year 9s spent a week at Kelvedon and Maria Island and the Year 5s had three days at Kelvedon. Both Year 5 and Year 7 classes each had a day at Waterworks Reserve in preparation for their camps. Year 7 will head off to Kelvedon early in Term 2.
Year 3 had a lovely day at Waterworks Reserve today and Year 4 had fun at the beach doing some surf life saving in Week 6.
We are extremely proud of all the girls for their resilience, kindness, and teamwork during their camp and activity experiences. I would like to thank all the classroom teachers and our guides who made these experiences possible. I would like to particularly thank Jayde Steer, who organised and attended all camps and day trips, and our trainee, Hannah Steele.
Outdoor Adventure Skills
The two Outdoor Adventure Skills classes had a busy term with practical activities each week. The majority of activities have been water-based with classroom learning focusing on preparation and planning, weather forecasting, and the Leave No Trace principles.
This week, the Outdoor Adventure Skills A class went coasteering at the blowhole at Blackmans Bay. It was a fun and fantastic way to finish off the term, with the students displaying the traits of bravery and courage.
Outdoor Leadership
This year, Abbey Willcox (Year 11) is studying Level 3 Outdoor Leadership at Hutchins and has recently returned from a three day pack rafting expedition on the Collingwood River. Abbey said the trip was an incredible experience that she thoroughly enjoyed. The students got to put some of the leadership theory into practice, having to choose their own route from the river back up to the road.
Dr Alison Manson
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Junior Tennis
The tennis roster has now come to a conclusion. The girls involved certainly progressed across the duration of the roster, now more experienced in game play and the scoring/rules of tennis. Thank you to Mrs Denman for looking after this team.
Junior Soccer
The Junior Soccer roster has also come to an end. It is always fantastic to be down on the Fahan Oval on a Thursday afternoon and see so many soccer/football players enjoying the game. Of course, this doesn’t happen without the support of staff and parents. Many thanks to James Seddon, Emily Hogan, David Hodgman, Mary Marino and Mel Hinkley, Andy Rhodes and Ingrid Heather.
Junior Netball
The JSSATIS Netball season will commence in Term 2, with games beginning Wednesday 11 May (Years 3 and 4) and Thursday 12 May (Years 5 and 6). Games will be played in school gymnasiums where possible, starting at 4:00pm. The roster will run until the end of Term 2 and trainings will be conducted during lunchtimes.
Junior Hockey
Please find details regarding the Junior Hockey season for 2022. These rosters are administered by Hockey Tasmania.
Primary School Hockey Winter Series
Cornelian Bay (grass) – Saturday Mornings
Term 2 – 8 week roster (7 May – 2 July)
All rosters will have 9:00am, 10:00am and 11:00am timeslots. Trainings will be conducted at Fahan during school lunchtimes. The girls will need a hockey stick, shin pads and mouthguard. The mouthguard and shin pads are compulsory for training and match day.
This roster is comprised of 3 levels of competition:
Years 1/2 – Quarter Field Hockey (5 a-side)
Years 3/4 – Half Field Hockey (7 a-side)
Years 5/6 – Full Field Hockey (11 a-side)
More details regarding training and rosters will come out via Edsmart in the near future.
Junior Cross Country Season
Junior House Cross Country
Date: Thursday 26 May
Where: Nutgrove Beach
When: 11:00am to 12:45pm
All Schools Cross Country
Date: Tuesday 21 June
Where: Symmons Plains
When: Bus departs Fahan at 7:45am and return approx. 4:15pm
**Open to any girl from Years 3-6 who has committed to Cross Country training in lunchtimes.
JSSATIS Cross Country
Date: Wednesday 29 June
Where: Rokeby Police Academy
When: 11:30am to 1:30pm
**Only the top 8 runners from the House Cross Country (who have completed the long course) are selected to compete in this event.
Club Sport
It is getting to the stage of the year when many of the club sports are getting up and running. Sometimes it is difficult to know where to start or who to contact. Below is a list of contacts for a range of club sports that will in full swing over the winter months.
Hobart City Beachside FC (based at Sandown Oval, Sandy Bay) https://hobartcitybeachsidefc.com/
Kingborough Lions United Football Club (based at Lightwood Park, Kingston) https://klufc.com.au/
Taroona Soccer Club ( based at Taroona) https://www.taroonafc.org/
South Hobart Football Club (based at Wellesley Park, Wentworth St, South Hobart) https://www.southhobartfc.com/
Clarence Zebras (based at Wentworth Park, Howrah) https://www.clarencezebrasfc.com/news
Sandy Bay Junior Footbal Club (based at Queenborough Oval) https://www.sandybayfc.com.au/
Mr Tim Dale
Junior Sport Co-ordinator
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Congratulations to the Year 9 Navy Soccer team who played in the SSATIS Grand Final on Wednesday 13 April against Friends’ at Warrior Park, Warrane. Fahan dominated the first half of the game but Friends’ managed to score three goals in the second half to win. In true Fahan spirit, our girls worked hard until the very end and never gave up. Thank you to Catherine Matterson, Ava Allanby and Tess McDonough for coaching and managing the team.
Fahan Inter-House Athletics Carnival
The Fahan Inter-House Athletics Carnival was held on Friday 8 April at the Domain Athletics Centre.
Congratulations to everyone for their participation and efforts. It was a warm, sunny day at the Domain Athletics Centre and everyone ran, jumped and threw with a smile on their face!
Freycinet, Franklin and Fenton were competitive all day with Franklin winning the Athletics Cup.
Thank you to all staff, students, volunteers and parents who helped out on the day. The contribution from everyone to make the Carnival a success was a demonstration of the teamwork, spirit and camaraderie that we have at Fahan.
The SSATIS Athletics will be held on Tuesday 6 September at the Domain Athletics Centre. The SATIS Athletics will be held on Saturday 17 September at St Leonard’s Athletic Centre in Launceston. The squad for these will be announced at the end of Term 2.
Congratulations to the Track and Field Age Champions –
Junior Track Champion – Tara Sciberras
Junior Track Runner up – Grace Buchanan
Junior Field Champion – Zoe Mansfield
Junior Field Runner up – Sarah Berner
Intermediate Track Champion – Amelia Steedman
Intermediate Track Runner up – Hannah Sheen
Intermediate Field Champion – Amelia Steedman
Intermediate Field Runner up – Penelope Geappen
Senior Track Champion – Laura Cooper
Senior Track Runner up – Prue Clarke
Senior Field Champion – Abbey Willcox
Senior Field Runner up – Charlotte Cutrale
2022 Overall Track and Field Champion – Amelia Steedman
On Tuesday 5 April, Year 9 to Year 12 students participated in their Inter House T-ball Competition. Again, the weather was perfect and everyone was ready for the final round which was to determine the overall winning House. It was a tight competition and congratulations goes to FRANKLIN for being the winning House!
Cross Country
The Inter-House Cross Country will take place on Tuesday 10 May. All girls are expected to run the cross country and we are looking forward to seeing many personal best efforts. Girls will have an opportunity to run the course in their PE lessons early in Term 2.
Cross Country is a great sport for everyone as it caters for all levels of fitness and it provides girls with an opportunity to set themselves a goal to work towards. It is about achieving their personal best and experiencing the satisfaction and happiness when they do this. I encourage all girls to give it their best at the cross country this year.
For those girls who enjoy running, I challenge them to push themselves and try to run a best time. For those girls who don’t enjoy running as much, I challenge them to try to better their efforts from previous years and run further than their previous attempts.
I believe that setting individual goals and working towards achieving them can positively influence girls and can help to give them a healthy attitude towards all aspects of life.
Fitness and Cross Country Training
Fitness and cross country training will be in Term 2. Information about this will be shared through the Tree shortly. All girls are welcome to attend.
Term 2 Sport
We are looking forward to Term 2 sport. Once teams are finalised and rosters are complete, they will be put on the Sport Online page on the Tree.
All SSATIS rosters begin in week 2.
Term 2 sports are –
- Years 7/8 and Years 9/10 Netball
- 1st and 2nd Grade Hockey
- 1st Grade Australian Rules Football
- Badminton
- Waterpolo
- Park Run
If any parents are able to coach or manage a team, please email me.
Mrs Jo Banks-Smith
Senior Sport Co-ordinator
0428 031 012
Spirit - Students of the World
Fahan School has recently re-established our relationship with the exchange organisation Students of the World. If any Fahan families are interested in hosting a student from France, Spain, Italy or Germany for anywhere between 6 and 12 weeks from July this year, they are encouraged to contact me at lutzowh@fahan.tas.edu.au
Ms Holly Lutzow
Community - Making Flowers for Sandown Retirement Village Residents
The Years 5 and 6 girls have been busy making flowers made out of crepe paper. With help from Mrs Marino, a printed card was attached to each flower with the message "Fahan’s Fabulous Flowers. We hope this flower will make your day brighter".
Making flowers was fun during our Positive Education classes and a few rainy lunchtimes. They have been distributed to Sandown Retirement Village and will be in nearby stores to spread the kindness.
The flowers rewarded us with a sense of kindness and a way to make others feel good without expecting anything back. Mathilda Brown, Ruby Williamson, Olivia Grubb and Scarlett Nester
Mrs Ingrid Heather
Community - Amnesty Visit with Tania
On Wednesday 13 April, the Amnesty Group were lucky enough to meet Tania – a Ukrainian woman who has been helping to organise support for newly arrived Ukraininan refugee families. Tania told us a little about her own story – she used to live in Kiev until she immigrated a few years ago with her young family. She misses Ukraine but loves living in Hobart. She has friends and family still living in Ukraine and told us of some of the hardships currently faced by them. We presented Tania and the ‘Association of Ukraininans in Tasmania’ with the proceeds of our cake stall from a few weeks ago - $700 in supermarket vouchers. Tania was touched and very grateful. We will stay in contact with her so we can continue to support our newly-arrived Ukrainian friends.
Lucia Hunt
Community Chair
Community - Year 12 Fundraiser
You could win a NEW 2022 Subaru XV 2.0i L CVT Hatch!
Tickets are limited - there are only 300 left! Scan the QR code below and ENTER NOW to support the Year 12 chosen charities, The Variety Freya Fund and Sexual Assault Support Service.
Community Update from the P&F
My daughter’s favourite book when she was little was “5 Minutes Peace”. It tells the story of Mrs Elephant who had three quite rambunctious children and she just wanted some time off i.e. 5 minutes peace.
This year for our P&F Mother’s Day Stall we are working with that theme in mind and have found some amazing Made in Tassie items for our Junior School girls to purchase for their mums and carers at our Mother’s Day Stall on Wednesday 3 May.
We sincerely thank the vendors at the Lenah Valley Easter Market and The Made in Tasmania Store in Centrepoint for the products, and we ask our Junior School parents to please send your child to School with small denomination bills. An Edmsart will be sent to families to remind you closer to the date.
While I have brought lots of USA PTA ideas to Fahan over the past 18 months, the Mother’s Day stall is a fabulous Australian idea and something I will take back to my California pals with Elementary-aged children. The look on the little one’s faces when they decide on the ‘prize’ so to speak is immeasurable.
Have a safe Term 1 break.
Catherine Matterson
President, P&F Association
Community - Parent and Carer Webinars
The office of the eSafety Commissioner is running a number of free webinars to give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
For further information and to view the webinar schedule, visit their website here.
Community - Alliance of Girls' Schools Australia - Keeping Safe in Cyberspace
Community - Uniform Reminder
You are reminded of the changeover from Summer to Winter uniform from the commencement of Term 2.
Online ordering will close on Thursday 14 April and will recommence on Sunday 1 May, with orders available for collection from Tuesday 3 May (first day of Term 2).
Clothing Pool
Fahan is now accepting clean, current uniform items in good condition for sale in the Clothing Pool. Items can be left at the School Office and must be accompanied by a completed Clothing Pool form, available from the School Office or on the website.
Community - Student Absence
Parents are asked to notify the School of student absence by 9:00am by email to absence@fahan.tas.edu.au, or by phone on 6225 1064. Once maintenance on the Fahan School App has been completed, this is also another option for informing the School of a student absence.
Students taking holidays during term time can impact on the ability of teachers, and more importantly other students, to complete programs of work effectively. If foreseen absences are unavoidable, permission should be sought from the Principal by downloading and completing the Request for Absence form available here.
Community - Lady Gowrie Term 1 Vacation Care Program
Community Notices
Fahan School Uniform Purchases
Fahan School uniform items can be ordered through the Flexischools website or App (Apple of Google). If a uniform fitting is required, please email Mrs Birgitta Browning at uniformshop@fahan.tas.edu.au
Canteen online orders are taken before school through the Flexischools website or App. A variety of foods are offered and healthy, nutritional choices are encouraged. Parents can also load money onto a student's ID card through the Flexischools App so that students from Year 3 may use their student card to purchase items from the canteen.
Fahan School Bus Service
For more information on the Fahan Bus Service, please click here.