A Fortnight at Fahan - Term 2, 23 June 2023
Principal's Report
Important Notes
Learning in the Outdoors in Pre-Kinder
Learning around the Fire Pit
Learning about the Night Sky
Learning about the State Library
Learning about Maths in Year 3
Learning at Mt Field
Learning about Friendship in Year 7
Learning about Poetry
Learning about Business
Learning about French
Learning about Japanese Food
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Community - Fahan School Careers Expo
Community - P&F Dinner
Community - Case Space Academy Holiday Camp Scholarships Available
Community - Lady Gowrie Vacation Care Program
Community - What is the NCCD?
2024 Term Dates
Community - Student Absence
Community Notices
Principal's Report
The winter solstice has been and gone this week, and we are looking forward to embracing the remainder of winter and longer days. Our Kinder to Year 2 students certainly did this when participating in the evening Winter Solstice Lantern Walk with their families on Wednesday. It was a delight to walk through the lit-up Fahan gardens to enjoy the beautiful installations along the way.
This week, our Years 11 and 12 students have been sitting their mid-year examinations, which can be challenging for many. It is also a time when we are in the midst of a long, sometimes cold term, and it is appropriate that we focus on the importance of fostering a nurturing environment to cultivate positive wellbeing in all of our students.
At the recent International Coalition of Girls' Schools (ICGS) Asia Pacific Summit in Hobart, which celebrated all things great about girls' schools, a keynote address was given by Emeritus Professor Donna Cross from the University of Western Australia. She identified research done by CASEL (2023), which has shown that strong school and family engagement, prioritising two-way communication and decision-making positively impacts academic, social, and emotional outcomes in schools. CASEL identifies five social and emotional skills that can be developed through either formal or informal processes and programs. These are self-awareness; self-management; social awareness; relationship skills; and responsible decision-making. Professor Cross emphasised the importance of growing the whole student. Cognitive outcomes are important, but students are significantly under-served if this is the only priority outcome in schools.
At Fahan, we firmly believe the holistic development of every student encompasses not only academic success but also emotional wellbeing, physical health, and social growth. We recognise that fostering wellbeing is not a mere add-on but an essential foundation upon which we can empower our students to reach their fullest potential. Student wellbeing is fostered in both formal and informal ways at Fahan. These occur every day in all areas of our School, and as highlighted above, the strong relationships we have between home and School are critical to positive wellbeing.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment and partnership with Fahan in fostering your child’s positive development.
Best wishes
Meg Lawson
Important Notes
School Office Hours During School Holidays
- School Office hours are 9:00am – 3:30pm during the School holidays.
- The Office will be CLOSED on Friday 14 July and Monday 24 July.
- Term 3 commences Tuesday 25 July.
School Canteen Contact
As previously advised, Amelia Edwards has taken over from Birgitta Browning as the Food Services Manager and can be contacted at edwardsa@fahan.tas.edu.au for any Canteen-related queries.
Learning in the Outdoors in Pre-Kinder
On Tuesday, Lisa, Vivienne and Jed, along with fifteen Pre-Kinder children, set off on a wonderful adventure! We all boarded the Fahan School bus and headed up to Fern Tree to extend on our interest in waterfalls. After enjoying a picnic morning tea at the Fern Tree park, we walked along the Pipeline Track. We then turned off to the right and climbed up to Silver Falls where the children watched with excitement the fast flow of water cascading down the rocks.
Along the way we noticed the sound of the water rushing, and the crisp clean smell of the air. We compared the environment to our very own rivulet with the children commenting on the “ferns being the same as ours.”
It was very cold on kunanyi and we enjoyed conversations about snow and the frosty start to the morning.
We also took the children to investigate the Octopus Tree, which is thought to be around 250-300 years old, where the roots have grown around a huge boulder, which looks like an octopus. The children were able to climb all around the circumference of this tree, carefully climbing up and down slippery rocks and tracks.
The sense of awe and adventure that was inspired in the children by this excursion was a joy to watch. We aim to provide experiences that challenge and extend our children physically and mentally, teaching them about resilience, enquiry, investigation and simply experiencing joyful opportunities.
Lisa, Vivienne, Kelly, and Moya
Lady Gowrie Fahan Education and Care Team
Learning around the Fire Pit
On Tuesday morning upon arrival at School, the Kindergarten children gathered around the fire pit for stories, chatter and warmth!
Mrs Rebecca Wiggins
Fahan Kindergarten recently received a lovely parcel from Fahan Alumna, Anna Welch, whom I met during the recent Fahan School Reunion Tour.
Anna is currently running a FaFT program (Families as First Teachers) at Alpurrurulam in the Northern Territory. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation send boxes of books to indigenous schools in the Northern Territory and Anna has generously forwarded some surplus copies to the Kindergarten class.
Many thanks, Anna.
Mrs Rebecca Wiggins
Learning about the Night Sky
Prep students have been learning about the night sky and considering its use as a map, and also its meaning and use for First Nations people. Students listened to stories about the constellations and especially loved hearing about the "Dark Emu" constellation. They were fascinated to learn that the changing position of the emu connects to the season and the life-cycle of the emu.
Students were excited to work collaboratively and create their own animal constellations.
Some thoughts that were shared about the stars, planets and sky:
The stars move with the earth.
Every star has a use.
The stars are a map; they can tell you which direction to go.
A star exploded to make the universe.
The brightest star is called the North star. It helps you know where to go.
There is a red star. It is Mars.
Earth is a planet.
Pluto got kicked out of the universe because it is a dwarf planet.
The stars make the moon bright. The sun bounces up to the moon to make it light.
The stars help First Nations people hunt for food.
There is a picture in the sky of a sword and a shield. It represents something.
The clouds move around with the wind.
Two rocks banged together to make the moon.
When someone dies their spirit becomes a star.
God lives in the sky.
The stars are still there in the daytime; you just can't see them because the sun is too bright.
Wonderful sharing!
Ms Kim Menadue
Learning about the State Library
This week Years 1 and 3 visited the State Library of Tasmania. Many of the students are regular visitors to the State Library, but for some of the students, it was their very first visit. Some of the students had their own library card, and others received their first State Library card today. This was very exciting! The students learned that they may borrow and return books from any Library in lutruwita.
The Librarian Donna, read Lost and Found, a story written and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers. Donna showed the students the Junior fiction, non-fiction and graphic novel section and answered many questions: How many books can you borrow? Do you have the novel, Wings of Fire? Do you have any books on craft? Can you visit the Library if you don't have a Library card?
Many students borrowed books. Of course, I couldn’t resist borrowing a few too! We all enjoyed our visit to the State Library of Tasmania.
You can find out more about your local Library here: https://libraries.tas.gov.au/public-libraries/for-children-and-families/
Mrs Meg Denman
I loved going to the State Library. I can't wait to go back there again with my family! Edith Chui
Some of us took our own library card if we already had one, and some of us got one when we were there. It was such a fun excursion! Min Luo
We had a browse at each of the different sections, including graphic novels, fiction, non-fiction and picture books. It was so much fun! Sophie Liao
Donna read us a book called 'Lost and Found'. I loved it. Mia Robertson
At the end, Donna handed out bookmarks and little monster stickers for us to keep. I love libraries and reading! Jade Spadavecchia
Learning about Maths in Year 3
In Year 3, students have been learning about data collection and representation in Maths. We have discussed the reasons why data might be collected, both on a small scale and on a large scale, such as the National Census. After analysing a range of data, students each formed their own question of interest, collected data and represented it in a column graph. We then discussed and recorded our findings. We all agreed this was a very fun maths activity!
Mrs Nicole Bury
Learning at Mt Field
On 21 June, Year 6 went to Mt Field. We left School at 7:45am, which was earlier than normal for us. We stopped at New Norfolk for a short break. The whole oval was covered in frost.
We arrived at Mt Field with all of our extra layers on to keep warm. One of the Discovery Rangers, Tom, talked to us about the strange world of fungi which is what we are learning about in Science. Some of the fungi looked like seashells, flowers and even coral.
Trent talked to us about the First Nations People that lived in the area and how different it is now compared to then.
Another Discovery Ranger, Darrach, was a keen fungi hunter and very knowledgeable about the platypus.
The highlight was the trek to Russel Falls. We climbed slowly to the top of Russell Falls and made our way to Lady Barron Falls, then on to the majestic Tall Trees.
By this stage we were all hungry. Thankfully, our bus driver fired up the BBQ before we arrived back at the hut.
We would like to thank Mrs Cole, Mrs Steel, Mrs Heather and Hamish Verdouw. We would also like to thank the guides at Mt Field for making this excursion fun and informative.
By Year 6
Learning about Friendship in Year 7
This week, Year 7 students started a unit on Friendship as part of their Health curriculum. This unit is taking an inquiry approach to learning, with an emphasis on student voice, choice and ownership.
Earlier in the term, the students were surveyed and asked to respond to the following questions:
- What do you feel you do well as a friend?
- What do think you could do better as a friend?
- What do you think the Year 7s do well in relation to friendship?
- What do you think everyone could benefit from learning more about?
The Friendship Survey provided invaluable information about what is most important to our students right now, as Year 7 students at Fahan. This week, the students began working collaboratively in small groups to answer one of the following questions, that were developed from the survey responses:
- What key qualities and behaviours contribute to strong and lasting friendships in Year 7 and beyond?
- How can we help students to understand the impact that words and actions can have on other people?
- How can we help students to be more inclusive of others and why is this important?
- What factors contribute to a sense of belonging in Year 7 at Fahan and how can we foster a supportive environment for everyone?
- How can we empower students to be honest about their feelings, but still be kind?
- How can we help students manage their changing friendships (at a group and at an individual level)?
- How can you help your friends manage their emotions and how can you manage your own?
- What are the impacts of exclusion in digital spaces and how can we promote inclusivity and belonging online?
- How can Year 7s navigate conflicts in their friendships, and what strategies can they use to move forward in a positive way?
The students have been asked to find an answer (or answers) to their question and then find a creative way to share their understandings with others. Some of the ideas so far include roleplays, boardgames, collaborative artworks, show bags, awards and posters.
This is an exciting opportunity for all the Year 7s to work in mixed groups, with students from both classes. Throughout the Unit, the students will investigate what it means to be enterprising, with an emphasis on their social management and their critical and creative thinking. They will be sharing the results of their groupwork at a ‘Friendship Fair’ next term, which the Year 6 and Year 8 students will be invited to visit.
Ms Fiona Short and Ms Allison Williamson
Learning about Poetry
The Year 7 students are learning to write poetry. They are exploring different types of poems, and looking at figurative language such as similes, metaphors and personification. On Monday afternoon, the students in 7O went out in the sunshine with pen and paper in hand. Through connecting with the beautiful grounds at Fahan, they found inspiration to write some nature-based poems.
As They Sway by Alex Smith
Slowly swaying in the breeze
dropping the light brown leaves
these are the many trees
and as the wind picks up
Shhhh Shhhh Shhhh
you can hear the trees
speaking their own secret language
that nothing else can understand
As the seasons change the trees do too
Going from red to green to brown to yellow
always changing like the world around them
but the breeze never leaves nor do the trees
and as the trees slowly sway
they start to speak when no one is listening
Shhhh shhhh shhhh
they will never stop
while we still make our voices heard
they do too
in their own special way
As the world keeps spinning
the trees keep talking
even if nothing knows what they are saying
they will always speak
Shhhh shhhh shhhh
as children run and shout
adults listen to music
they miss the sound of the trees
focused in their own lives they will never hear the sound
of the trees slowly swaying
speaking their own secret language
Shhhh shhhh shhhh
even if no one will hear them
they will always sway
Nature Poem by Ruby Smith
The wind sways softly as the birds sing loudly
And the chickens chirp proudly
The trees gently sway and the leaves begin falling
It is all part of life I think as the pigeons begin calling
Calling to the land the sky me and the up high
I watch as the waves tumble over each other
Like little kids going to greet one another
I smile as the warm breeze flows through my hair
I might shed a tear, this is my land, and this is my home
Where all the animals roam
Where every person before me drank from the glass river
And where the moon hangs almost silver
I love this land and I love the sky
This is my home and this is my why
Learning about Business
The Years 9/10 Business Studies students have been creating their own small businesses at School as part of $20 Boss. The profits are going to charity 'Tassie Mums' who provide warm baby and children's clothing and other e ssentials for mothers in need. Pictured is one of the groups working hard on their business, organising orders.
Miss Ella Kearney
Learning about French
Un film et un pique-nique avec des explorateurs francais
Students of French in Years 9, 10 & 11 enjoyed a French romantic comedy film L’Innocent at the State Cinema on Wednesday 7 June, followed by a French pique-nique, provided by Jean-Pascal Patisserie, to enjoy beside the French Explorers’ Monument in the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens.
The film was very much enjoyed by us all and it was lovely to enjoy a French picnic together afterwards to talk about the film in the sunshine.
The Monument to French Exploration was opened by the French Ambassador some 50 years ago to commemorate the bicentennial of early French exploration to Tasmania from 1772. The first Europeans to set foot on Lutruwita were in fact French and they had several cordial exchanges with the local tribes here at that time. Many Tasmanian landmarks were named by expeditions led by Baudin and D’Entrecastaux and the Huon Pine sculpture symbolises the sailing ships they travelled here in.
This information was shared with the students after the picnic, before they enjoyed a stroll around the monument to read some of the historical plaques. It was a lovely day enjoyed by all.
Merci beaucoup,
Madame Palmer
Learning about Japanese Food
On 21 June, Year 8o had the amazing opportunity to have lunch at the Japanese restaurant, Rin.
Once we had arrived at the restaurant, Enright Sensei told us basic Japanese table manners, such as it is bad manners to pour your own drink. Soon everyone’s delicious meals had arrived. They included some sushi, miso soup and a selection of other delightful foods, such as karaage chicken.
After we had finished our main meals, we were served some heavenly green tea ice cream.
Thank you to Enright Sensei for organising this amazing experience, as well as supervising us with Wojcik Sensei.
Year 8N and the Years 9 and 10 Japanese classes will have their excursions to Rin next week.
By Sophie Bradfield
Spirit - Junior School Sport
JSSATIS Cross Country
The Fahan JSSATIS Cross Country Team competed strongly at the Carnival held last Thursday. As always, there were some fantastic efforts will all runners giving their best. A big congratulations to the reserves who competed on the day, it is very difficult to come in at the last minute but those girls did very well. Aside from those girls who received ribbons, Sophie Boyes 3rd (Year 3), Violet Geappen 2nd (Year 4), Anna McCallum 2nd (Year 6) and Milla Gorringe 3rd (Year 6), it was extremely pleasing to see so many girls finish inside the top 20. In fact in the Year 6 race, all 8 of the Fahan competitors finished in the top 16 places, which is quite amazing.
Below are the Fahan results from the day.
Year 3 :
Sophie Boyes - 3
Edith Chui - 16
Lily Davies - 41
Sophie Liao - 34
Min Luo - 7
Tamsin O'Connor - 36
Mia Robertson - 26
Bobbie Tennick - 11
Year 4 :
Violet Geappen - 2
Frankie Gorringe - 5
Klara Koch - 6
Felicity Sills - 7
Nina Viviers - 15
Ella O'Connor - DNC
Bonnie Pullinger - DNC
Claire Costelloe - 28
Sienna Marino - 34
Skye Hinkley - 36
Year 5 :
Lucy Taylor - 7
Maggie Davies - DNF
Bianca Lampkin-Smith - 10
Olive Smith - 13
Rose Page - 39
Lottie Kingston - 6
Chloe Geason - 17
Minnie Gourlay - DNF
Year 6 :
Evie Essex - 5
Milla Gorringe - 3
Anna McCallum - 2
Clare Stewart - 7
Skye Hansen - 8
Poppy Davies - 16
Ruby Pilkington - 13
Amelie Dobson - 10
Sign up information has been issued in relation to the following Term 3 activities.
Junior Basketball
The JSSATIS Basketball season will commence in Term 3, with games beginning on Thursday 3 August (Years 3 to 6). The roster will run until 21 September. Please note, given the number of teams involved, there are often a number of fixtures at any venue eg. 3:30pm, 4:15pm or 5:00pm. Training will be conducted during School lunchtimes.
Junior AFL
Years 1 and 2
When: Mondays starting 31/7 until 21/8
When: 12:45pm - 1:30pm
Where: Numbers dependent (Junior School Green if possible)
Equipment: PE uniform. No mouthguards required as this will be skill-based activities without tackling.
Mr Tim Dale
Junior Sport Coordinator
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Cross Country
Congratulations to all athletes who represented Fahan in the Tasmanian All Schools Cross Country at Symmons Plains on Tuesday 20 June. We had excellent running conditions and it was wonderful to see the Fahan competitors out on the course giving their best. The course at Symmons Plains is challenging and it was clear to see that the Fahan athletes had been training hard. We had a wonderful start to the day with Lucy Meikle running 3rd and earning a place on the podium. Other top 12 finishers were Sophie Bury – 10th in Under 18 Women, Pia Abberton – 10th in Under 16 Women and Hannah Sheen – 11th in Under 17 Women.
Winter Sports Day
A reminder Winter Sports Day will take place on Wednesday 5 July. This is always an exciting day with lots of House spirit and plenty of House competition! Students will participate for their House in their chosen sports:
- Netball
- Dodgeball
- Diamond Cricket
- Flags
- Run the Gauntlet
- Volleyball
- Orienteering
Inter House Swimming Carnival
The Inter House Swimming Carnival will take place in week 2 of Term 3, on Thursday 3 August, at The Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre from 9:30am – 3:00pm. All students from Year 7 to Year 12 are to attend the Carnival.
All students are expected to swim in an event and anyone unable to swim on the day, due to injury or sickness, is to notify their Pastoral Care Teacher and myself via email.
Parents wishing to attend the Carnival are most welcome for all or part of the day. If you would like to spend some time helping out on the day, please email me at bankssmithj@fahan.tas.edu.au.
We are very proud and excited to be sending the Fahan Sailing team to the Schools Team Sailing National Championships at Goolwa in South Australia. Abbey Willcox, Grace Hooper, Anabelle Zeeman, Sarah Reynolds, Evie Gray, Isabel Willcox and Aviya Lincolne-Lomax will compete in the regatta from Tuesday 4 to Sunday 9 July. We wish them the very best and look forward to hearing the results.
Mrs Jo Banks-Smith
Senior Sport Co-ordinator
0428 031 012
Community - Fahan School Careers Expo
We look forward to seeing parents and students of Years 9-12 at the Fahan School Careers Expo on Monday 26 June from 5:00pm-7:00pm. The following industries will be represented:
Industry | Name |
Architecture | Bence Mulcahy |
Construction | Monique Little and Kelsey Timms (Alumni) |
Defence - Army, Navy, Airforce | Defence Force |
Dentistry | Dr Jessica Peters (Alumni) |
Education and Teaching | Jo Banks-Smith and Sophie Baxter (Alumni) |
Engineering | Kate McIntosh (GHD Principal) |
Hospitality | Drysdale |
Law | Demi Peters (Alumni) |
Marketing, Branding and Photography | Claire Bennett and Alice Gray (Alumni) |
Medical Research | Dr Liesel FitzGerald (Alumni) |
Medicine | Claire Grace (Alumni) |
Nursing | Holly Smith (Alumni) |
Occupational Therapy | Rosanna Robertson |
Pharmacy | Katy Hutchison (Alumni) |
Physiotherapy | Rachel Allanby (Alumni), Nick Campbell and Kari Viviers |
Property and Real Estate | Knight Frank |
Psychology and Counselling | Zoe Hannaford |
Research and Physiotherapy | Dr Michele Callisaya |
Radiation Therapy | Joanne Harrison |
Science, STEM (Zoology) | Elizabeth Browne (Alumni) |
Social Research, Social Policy and Advocacy and Tertiary Education | Associate Professor Catherine Robinson (Alumni) |
Speech Pathology | Dr Ashleigh Beales |
TasTAFE | Various |
University of Tasmania | Various |
Veterinary Science | Dr Katrina Ward (Alumni) |
Community - P&F Dinner
Dear Fahan Community,
With the Fahan Parents and Friends' Dinner fast approaching we are still seeking suitable prizes that can be donated and listed in the silent or live auction. If you are able to donate a prize or know of someone who would be willing to do so, please contact the P&F at pandf@fahan.tas.edu.au. Every little bit helps in making this a successful fundraising event, with all funds benefiting the School and our daughters.
In addition, I would like to thank Amelia Edwards and Trudi Steedman from Year 9, Daniel Baker and Nicole Frith from Year 10 and Shirl Badenach from Year 12, who have stepped up as class representatives for those years groups, however we are still looking for volunteers to represent Years 7, 8 and 11. If you are able to help, please get in touch. There is not a huge time committment required and we would appreciate your assistance.
Michael O'Connor
P&F President
Community - Case Space Academy Holiday Camp Scholarships Available
We’re pleased to offer 10 scholarship places in the exciting CASE Space Academy Holiday Camp. Students must be aged between 9-13 years. This applied STEAM course supports our School’s STEAM program and its learning outcomes are aligned with the Australian Curriculum.
In the Term 3 holidays solidify your child’s skills, giving them greater self-confidence and an interest in STEAM learning.
Through the excitement of real space scenarios and fun activities this September, It’s a Mars Life will ignite your child’s interest and enthusiasm for STEAM while nurturing their curiosity and imagination.
- Learn about Mars, galactic farming, water systems, solar energy and what it would take for humans to thrive on Mars
- Design your own Mars colony
- Engage in immersive hands-on STEAM activities
- Apply STEAM and Growth Mindset skills to solve real space challenges
- Live NASA tour
- Course conducted live by CASE certified course leaders
CASE Space Academy is a comprehensive online space learning program specifically for students aged 9-13 and exclusively supported by NASA experts.
Learn more at casespaceacademy.com
Special Fahan scholarship offer for It’s a Mars Life! Ten Fahan students have the opportunity to take part.
Places are strictly limited, so please register your child's interest with Felicity Jacobs (Science Coordinator) by Friday 7 July to secure their place.
It’s a Mars Life!
Community - Lady Gowrie Vacation Care Program
Please click on the link below to view the Lady Gowrie Vacation Care Program for the upcoming school holidays.
Community - What is the NCCD?
What is the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)?
Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).
Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:
- year of schooling
- category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
- level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.
This information assists schools to:
- formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
- consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
- develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.
The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.
The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (https://www.education.gov.au/privacy-policy).
Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (https://www.nccd.edu.au).
If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact Stephanie Hogan (Coordinator of Academic Support) at hogans@fahan.tas.edu.au.
2024 Term Dates
2024 Term Dates have been finalised and are available through the link on the left panel of the newsletters, the School website, Fahan App (under links on the bottom right hand corner) and below.
Community - Student Absence
Notification of student absence as a result of illness should be emailed to absence@fahan.tas.edu.au, advised by telephone on 6225 1064 or submitted through the Fahan App.
You are reminded that if foreseen absences are unavoidable, such as holidays during term time, a Request for Absence form should be completed and returned to the School.
Community Notices
Fahan School Uniform Purchases
The Uniform Shop is open for appointments during the following times:
Tuesdays: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Thursdays: 11:30am -4:00pm
Parents are able to make an appointment via email for a fitting uniformshop@fahan.tas.edu.au. Students may visit the Uniform Shop during recess, at lunch time, or after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Fahan School uniform items can be ordered through the Flexischools website or App (Apple of Google). All uniform orders placed via the Flexischools App will be delivered to Reception for Senior School orders and to the classrooms for Junior School orders on Tuesdays and Thursdays during term time. Please allow two days notice for delivery of orders placed before 4:00pm (three days for orders placed after 4:00pm).
Canteen online orders are taken before school through the Flexischools website or App.
A variety of foods are offered and healthy, nutritional choices are encouraged. Parents can also load money onto a student's ID card through the Flexischools App so that students from Year 3 may use their student card to purchase items from the canteen.
Fahan School Bus Service
For more information on the Fahan Bus Service, please click here.