A Fortnight at Fahan - Term 2, 7 July 2023
Principal's Report
Important Notes
Learning in Pre-Kinder and After School Care
Learning about Cooking in Kinder and Prep
Learning About Shapes in Year 1
Learning about Antarctic Animals
Learning about 3D Shapes in Year 5
Learning in Art
Learning - Workplace Maths Goes Electric
Spirit of Naidoc Week in the Junior School
Spirit of Concours Alliançe Francaise 2023
Learning about Writing
Learning about Calligraphy
Spirit of Outdoor Education
Spirit of Year 9 Outdoor Adventure Skills
Spirit of Lumina 9 Camp
Spirit of Naidoc Week in Year 7
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Community - Tasmanian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
Community - P&F Dinner
Community - Case Space Academy Holiday Camp Scholarships Available
Community - Lady Gowrie Vacation Care Program
2024 Term Dates
Community - Student Absence
Community Notices
Principal's Report
This week we celebrated NAIDOC Week. This is a significant week in the calendar and gives rise to important conversations about the lives and stories of our first nations peoples. In my own childhood, we were aware of many of the places where people had lived for thousands of years before we got there, but we understood little about their lives and experiences. It is fortunate that the narrative is changing. At Fahan, we have begun the first steps of our Reconciliation Action Plan, which will guide our School into the future so that we can better acknowledge and recognise the people who were first here.
As part of our continuous improvement process, we wish to provide opportunities for parents, students and staff to provide us with feedback relating to their views of the School across a wide range of areas. Early next term you will receive an invitation to take part in our whole of School Survey.
The research is being conducted by MMG Education, a specialist education consultancy that works with schools in the areas of school strategic reviews and stakeholder satisfaction. MMG’s clients include many schools across Australia.
Parents will be invited to complete questionnaires over a two-week period commencing Monday 31 July. Students in Years 6-12 and all staff will also complete questionnaires during this period.
I look forward very much to the valuable contribution you will be making to this important project by completing your questionnaire.
It has indeed been a busy term! Please do enjoy a restful holiday break. I hope that you are all able to recharge and spend time together, ready for Term 3 which commences on Tuesday 25 July.
Best wishes
Meg Lawson
Important Notes
Second Hand Uniform
The Uniform Shop is no longer accepting second hand uniform items for sale.
School Office Hours During School Holidays
- School Office hours are 9:00am – 3:30pm during the School holidays.
- The Office will be CLOSED on Friday 14 July and Monday 24 July.
- Term 3 commences Tuesday 25 July.
School Canteen Contact
As previously advised, Amelia Edwards has taken over from Birgitta Browning as the Food Services Manager and can be contacted at edwardsa2@fahan.tas.edu.au for any Canteen-related queries.
Learning in Pre-Kinder and After School Care
We are thrilled to share the wonderful artistic endeavours of our Pre-Kinder and After School Care children who have used a variety of recyclable and natural resources, including leaves, twigs, seeds, and cardboard to ‘recreate’ our stunning outdoor learning environment. Their artwork features elements including the rivulet, firepit, trees, rainbows, and animals, which reflect our daily outdoor environment.
With great enthusiasm, our Pre-Kinder children embarked on the journey of exploration, collecting various natural resources while discovering the intricacies of our outdoor learning environment. Through their artwork, they have depicted the essence of the rivulet, symbolizing the interconnectedness of nature and the importance of preserving our precious environment.
Children meticulously arranged leaves, twigs, and seeds to create a meandering path for the rivulet. They constructed steppingstones and the firepit, incorporating recycled materials such as cardboard and leaves. The vibrant colours of a rainbow have been recreated using cellophane and coloured paper. Their artwork showcases various animals, such as birds, rabbits, and an echidna, symbolizing the harmonious coexistence in our outdoor learning environment.
By nurturing a love for the eco-environment and sustainability in our children, we are fostering responsible citizens who will play an integral role in preserving and protecting our planet.
Lisa, Kelly, Vivienne and Moya
Lady Gowrie Fahan Education and Care Team
Learning about Cooking in Kinder and Prep
Cooking together is always a special sensory experience! Prep and Kinder students visited the Food Hub to bake some delicious Apple, Cinnamon and Wattle Seed Scrolls. Some of the highlights from Prep students were:
I liked kneading the dough because it was so soft.
I liked the bit when you got to sprinkle on the tiny wattle seeds.
I like the smell of the cinnamon sugar – it was kind of sweet.
I liked spooning on the apple and flattening it down.
I loved rolling the dough because it was funny when it got stuck on the rolling pin!
The dough smelt like playdough
The dough felt soft and squishy against my hands
When the rolls were in the oven they smelled delicious!
They were crunchy in my mouth.
When the dough was cooked it was crispy
My favourite part was the taste of warm apple inside!
Ms Kim Menadue
Learning About Shapes in Year 1
We have recently been looking at 2D shapes and 3D objects, which has offered lots of opportunity to identify, compare and create.
We used a wide variety of 2D shapes in different sizes and colours to design funny faces. We also used playdough to form some 3D objects, which was much harder to do than we originally thought.
We are now spotting familiar shapes in all kinds of interesting places. Shapes are everywhere!
Mrs Sarah Parsons
Learning about Antarctic Animals
In Year 4 we have been learning about Antarctic animals. We considered what would happen if all the krill disappeared. One of our favourite activities was making collages of our Antarctic animals. Most of them were life size versions and others were juvenile size. The first step was tracing a silhouette projected onto a giant piece of paper. Then we took different colours and patterns of paper to tear up and glue on our boring plain animals and turned them into spectacular collages. It took a while, but we loved making them.
By Mahveen Mudasir, Carla Hutchinson, Frankie Gorringe and Felicity Sills
Learning about 3D Shapes in Year 5
Year 5 students have been focusing on 3D shapes in Mathematics. The students have been identifying properties of shapes, determining nets and locating 3D shapes in the natural environment.
To finish the unit, and to celebrate Miss Matthewson’s (UTAS student) final day, the students made origami cubes.
Mrs Susan Wright
Learning in Art
Year 7 art students completed a unit on the genre of still life. They appropriated numerous works by renown Australian artist, Cressida Campbell. The work was drawn onto board and then painted and collaged. It was excellent to see all the colourful and vibrant outcomes.
Year 8 students have been working on a unit looking at the Willow pattern and creating a collagraph print using the pattern. They designed and recreated their own version of the designs to reflect the story behind the original imagery. The students drew onto the strawboard (the collagraph block). The block is coated in layers of shellac and their designs are scratched into the print plate. Etching ink is wiped onto the plate and then wiped off the surface, leaving the ink inside the scratched lines. The print plate is then rolled through an etching press with dampened paper to reveal the image.
Ms Alex Pitt
Learning - Workplace Maths Goes Electric
This week, our Workplace Maths class had the opportunity to visit an electric vehicle showroom and maintenance workshop at Kia/Mitsubishi in Hobart.
This semester, students have been learning about graphs and data through a project on electric vehicles (EVs). One of their assessment tasks was to create an infographic using data they had researched on EVs. On the excursion, students learnt about the growth of EV sales in Tasmania and were shown the main components of a car, including the battery and charging mechanism. They were able to ask questions about maintenance, servicing and the future of EVs as fleet cars.
The excursion was an opportunity to link our Mathematics curriculum to real-world applications.
Dr Mel Fitzpatrick
Spirit of Naidoc Week in the Junior School
During NAIDOC Week, students participated in many learning experiences. Celebrating and recognising the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for students to learn more about First Nations cultures and histories. We reflected on the theme and images, For Our Elders, by reading books and sharing stories and songs around the fire pit. Students also studied symbols used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and made beaded bracelets using the colours of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. Today we made scrumptious apple, cinnamon and wattleseed scrolls, which we shared at morning tea.
Mrs Meg Denman
Spirit of Concours Alliançe Francaise 2023
On Friday 30 June, some 30 Fahan finalists went to Hobart College for the state finals of the French competition of Poetry recitals for Years 6-11, as well as Reading Comprehension for Year 9 and Conversation for Year 10 TASC2.
The girls (and James, a Hutchins students who studies French at Fahan), represented Fahan admirably, learning their poems by heart and facing their fears to front up and recite their poem to the judges. Some of them also showed great resilience at being able to step in to replace finalists who were suddenly unable to attend on the day, specifically Millie Coyne, Sophie Thompson and Talia Lynch.
The results speak for themselves as so many of the Awards went to our students, as shown below:
3rd Prize: Anna McCallum
Mentions honorables
Chiara Challis
Audrey Cox
1st Prize: Grace Costelloe
equal 2nd: Felicity Morgan
Mentions honorables
Maisey Smith
Sophie Unwin
Hors Concours Prize: Sarah Berner
2nd Prize: Lilie von Savageri
Mentions honorables
Yalda Sadeghi
1st Prize: Tiger Somerville
3rd Prize : Kate Edwards
2nd Prize: Tiger Somerville
Mentions Honorables
Chloe Atkins
3rd Prize: Sophie Bury
Mentions honorables
Sophie Thompson
Hannah Sciberras
James Wilkinson (studies TASC2 French at Fahan)
1st Prize: James Wilkinson (studies TASC2 French at Fahan)
Mentions honorables
Talia Lynch
Annabelle Lumsden-Steel
Sophie Bury
The Award Ceremony will be open to the public at Bellerive Primary School on Monday 31 July at 7:00pm. The French Consul will be in attendance to award the prizes and first place winners are asked to recite their poem to the audience.
Congratulations go to all of the finalists and especially to the Award winners!
The Year 5 & 6 ‘la francophonie’ French Poster competition results have not yet been announced.
Félicitations! Bravo!
Madame Christine Palmer
Learning about Writing
In the second last week of Term, the Years 11/12 English Writing class hosted an author visit and workshop with local author, Emily Conolan. The students were treated to an array of generous tips and explanations about Emily's writing process. This included being able to look through her planning documents and her writer's journals for each of her three published novels. Emily then ran two extended exercises, using prompt cards and images to get students to think deeply about characterization and inner journeys.
We are so grateful to Emily for sharing her time with us and feel inspired to use many of her techniques to kick-start the extended writing projects we are just about to commence.
Ms Anna Forward
Learning about Calligraphy
Last week, a remarkable display of talent unfolded as the Years 5, 9, and 10 Japanese classes embraced the art of calligraphy as part of the Japanese Teachers' Network Tasmania (JATNET) Calligraphy Competition. The Year 5 students painted the kanji character for 'tree,' while the Year 9 students painted the character symbolising 'peace.' Meanwhile, the Year 10 class skilfully painted the kanji for 'eternity.' Each group exhibited sheer brilliance, leaving a lasting impression with their awe-inspiring work. The students not only showcased their remarkable skills but also revelled in the joy of these captivating classes.
Ms Lara Wojcik
Spirit of Outdoor Education
This term, the TASC 2 students have been focusing on their rock-climbing skills across a variety of areas. They have spent a few weeks inside at Rockit climbing gym, working on their belaying, climbing technique and completing a lead climbing course.
This week they consolidated all of these skills outside, having a full day at Sand River climbing crag in Buckland. It was great to see the students putting their knowledge and understanding into action outside and continue to develop their leadership and communication skills in another outdoor environment.
They also had the opportunity to complete their Provide First Aid last week. The students did an incredible job immersing themselves in the content and putting themselves through various scenarios to practice these skills.
To finish our indoor rock-climbing unit from this term, the Years 11/12 OE class got to take a day excursion on 4 July to Sand River, Buckland, to take our skills outside. Everyone completed at least two climbs in grades 14 and 15, and belayed and encouraged each other. We enjoyed the chance to push ourselves and found that we were actually capable of climbing further than we thought. It was a great way to finish the term and to build camaraderie amongst the group. Thanks to our guide, Dan Johnson, and our supervisors, Mr Firth and Mrs Buchanan, for making this day possible! Julia Benyon
Mrs Stacey Maley
Spirit of Year 9 Outdoor Adventure Skills
Over the past few weeks in Outdoor Adventure Skills, the Year 9s have been developing their climbing skills indoors. In week 9, the students had a day trip to Sand River to apply these skills in an outdoor environment. They all did an incredible job, and it was great to see the students pushing themselves outside their comfort zones and working well as a team.
Mrs Stacey Maley
Spirit of Lumina 9 Camp
In week 9, the Lumina 9 students participated in a week-long outdoor learning camp on the East Coast. The students spent two and a half days at Spring Bay Mill, where they participated in a range of sustainability, horticulture and Indigenous learning activities. The other two days were spent on the Kelvedon property. Here the students participated in a variety of History, English and Art activities relating to the outdoor space of Kelvedon and the history of Swansea.
This camp also had a strong focus on autonomy and developing skills relating to food preparation and cooking in the outdoors. The activity aimed to develop skills in preparation for the Outdoor Education camp in Term 3. I would like to say a big thank you to Ms Williamson, Mrs Buchanan, Mr Firth and Mrs Perrott for all the support and guidance they provided the students during this week; without them this camp would not have been possible.
Please see below some student reports on the week:
In Week 9, the Year 9 classes split up into two groups. 9O, my class, first went to Spring Bay Mill glamping. We are the first Fahan girls to have ever gone on school camp at these beautiful grounds. We did mainly agriculturally focused activities and learnt how to do many new things. 9O and 9N then had a brief crossover at Spring Bay Mill and then we travelled to Kelvedon for the last time. We arrived late in the afternoon and spoke about the next few days' events. The next day we travelled to Swansea and presented our historic brochures, which took us all over Swansea. That part of camp for 9O went very quickly because, sadly, we had to come home due to bad weather conditions. Students from 9O and 9N alike had an amazing time at camp and are looking forward to our second camp later in the year. Chloe Atkins
On the second morning of being at Kelvedon, about half of 9N went for a swim which happened to be on the Winter Solstice. The night before, everyone was sitting around the fire and after lots of requests for a swim, the teachers decided that we could. Because of how much rain there had been, the path to Bill’s Beach was blocked with logs so we got on the bus at 6:30am to go to the other beach. When we arrived, we could still see the stars as the sun started to come up. Most of the class came down to support the other half of the class going for a swim in the freezing water. After feeling the crisp, cold air for a while, we collectively decided it was time to go in. We all ran towards the water and had a very refreshing swim. After a couple of minutes, we decided that was enough and we all rushed back to the warm bus. Luckily, they had the fire nice and warm for us to defrost our toes on back at the camp site. Zara Bury
Mrs Stacey Maley
Spirit of Naidoc Week in Year 7
Music and singing play a significant role in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. To celebrate NAIDOC Week, Year 7 students spent some time singing together around the Fahan firepit. Essie Burke and Mathilda Brown accompanied me on the guitar. The first song we sang was Count On Me by Bruno Mars. Mrs Hayes shared this in Music Assembly earlier in the term and it was a perfect song to accompany our Health unit on Friendship. The second song we sang was My Island Home. This song was originally written and performed in 1980 by Aboriginal rock group, The Warumpi Band. Christine Anu, who is of Torres Strait Islander heritage, recorded her version of the song in 1994. Ms Perrot told us about a band called Tiddas and taught us a song called ‘Inanay’. ‘Tiddas’ is the koori word for ‘sisters’.
The Year 7 students are looking forward to investigating the Deep Time History of Australia next term and learning more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
Ms Fiona Short
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Primary All Schools Cross Country
Last Tuesday the Junior School Cross Country team competed at the Primary All Schools Cross Country. The girls ran very well in relatively good conditions. A big thank you goes to Mr Hodgman and Mrs Heather for accompanying the team on the bus.
Below is a summary of the Fahan results from the day, with a full copy of the results found at https://thetimingguysresults.com/TasPSXC/2023/
Year 3
Edith Chui - 99
Alexandra Payton - 168
Bobbie Tennick - 41
Year 4
Violet Geappen - 16
Frankie Gorringe - 29
Felicity Sills - 37
Year 5
Maggie Davies - 29
Bianca Lampkin-Smith - 38
Lucy Taylor - 33
Year 6
Evie Essex - 16
Milla Gorringe - 24
Anna McCallum - 23
Junior Netball
The Junior Netball season has come to a close. Fahan fielded 7 teams across the 2 rosters with 62 girls from Years 3-6 taking the court each week. The teams had a really strong season, playing some very nice netball along the way. Many thanks to our coaches/managers; Penny Geappen, Mel Hinkley, Mary Marino, Sam Tennick, Pete Leary, Ms Menadue, Mrs Heather, Mrs Gath, Penny McShane, Katie Ferguson, Kath Bradfield, Imogen Geappen, Carla East, Zara Marino and Felicity Barling. Hopefully, I’ve remembered everyone, apologies if I haven’t. As you can see, it takes a lot of support to get so many teams through a roster, sometimes it is just a willingness to fill-in when someone is ill that can make all the difference and is greatly appreciated. A big thank you goes to Felicity who helped out with umpiring the Years 5/6 games in the latter half of the roster.
Junior Hockey
The Junior Hockey roster has also come to a close. Many thanks to our coaches and support staff; Jane Beaumont and Matt Pilkington, James Seddon, Georgia Grant, Charlotte Wilson, Ava McGlone, Bridie Perrott and the Years 1/2 parents who supported the senior girls coaching, ensuring that we got through the roster with our two teams tight on numbers.
Junior Basketball
The JSSATIS Basketball season will commence in Term 3, with games beginning on Thursday 3 of August (Years 3 to 6). The roster will run until 21 September. Fahan has entered three Years 3/4 teams and four Years 5/6 teams. Again, the number of participants is amazing with 56 girls signed up, following our 62 netballers in Term 2.
More information will be distributed early in Term 3 with regard to rosters, training and coaches.
Junior AFL
Year 1 and 2
When: Mondays starting 31 July until 21 August
When: 12:45pm - 1:30pm
Where: Numbers dependent (Top Green if possible).
Equipment: PE uniform. No mouthguards required as this will be skill based activities without tackling.
Mr Tim Dale
Junior Sport Coordinator
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Congratulations to the following members of the Year 7 Navy Netball team for winning the SSATIS Grand Final on Monday 3 July - Jemima Geappen, Grace Costelloe, Felicity Morgan, Sadie Hardcastle, Grace Colleluori, Sigrid Zeeman and Maya Cubit. Everyone played a fantastic game, defeating St Aloysius 36 - 11! Thank you to Penny Geappen for coaching and Imogen Geappen for managing the team.
On Friday 30 June, the Year 7 Badminton team played in the STBA Badminton Grand Final in the Year 7A Girls Roster. This team has played extremely well all term and the final was no exception. They defeated Southern Christian College convincingly. Thank you to Michael Stanelos for being team manager. Lauren Stanelos, Essie Burke, Yifan Wang, Sophie Scott, Coco Barton, Florence Burgyone, Keira Lynch and Myla Philps all contributed to this win and the team camaraderie was great to see.
Congratulations to the 1st Grade Hockey team who completed their season last week, winning their final game against Collegiate, placing third on the ladder. A huge thank you goes to Shirl Badenach who has coached the 1st Grade Hockey team for many, many years! Shirl will now pass this baton on to Anna Wilson. We thank Shirl for her years of giving up her Tuesday afternoons and more importantly for the wisdom, guidance, support and coaching that she has given to Fahan over the years. Thank you to Anna also for being team manager.
Winter Sports Day
Winter Sports Day was held on Wednesday 5 July. It was an exciting day with lots of House spirit and plenty of House competition! Students participated for their House in a number of different sports.
Congratulations to Franklin for being the winning House.
I must mention that the annual Students v Staff soccer game was again a highlight! Again, the Staff were too strong and won the game 4 – 1.
Year 9 student, Jaden Goodey, is currently in Spain as part of the Australian Under 16 girls team competing in the Costa Blanca Futsal Cup. The U16 team played all three group games and came away with two wins and a draw to finish on top of their grouping which put them through to the semi final. In an exciting game, they lost their semi final by a narrow margin 6-7. We are proud of Jaden's accomplishments in this competition and look forward to hearing more about her experiences on her return next term.
Inter House Swimming Carnival
The Inter House Swimming Carnival will take place in week 2 of Term 3 on Thursday 3 August. It will be held at The Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre from 9:30am – 3:00pm. All students from Year 7 to Year 12 are to attend the Carnival.
All students are expected to swim in an event and anyone unable to swim on the day due to injury or sickness is to email or send a letter from their parents to their Pastoral Care Teacher.
An EdSmart notice will be sent shortly and the sign up form for the Carnival has been emailed to all students.
Swimming training will begin in week 1 on Thursday 27 August. Training sessions will take place on Monday and Thursday mornings from 6:00am – 7:00am at the Collegiate Pool. Details for this will be attached to the Edsmart and available in the Tree.
SSATIS Swimming Carnival – Friday 1 September at DKHAC
SATIS Swimming Carnival – Wednesday 13 September at DKHAC
Term 3 Sport
Term 3 sports begin in week 2 of Term 3. Rosters and team lists will be on the Tree so keep an eye on these during the School holidays.
Mrs Jo Banks-Smith
Senior Sport Co-ordinator
0428 031 012
Community - Tasmanian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
The Tasmanian Premiers’ Reading Challenge (PRC) 2023 has begun. The Challenge is open to all students from Prep to Year 6 in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition, but a personal challenge for students to read 10 books in 10 weeks.
Students are encouraged to read or share 10 books with their parents. Parents are asked to assist their daughters to complete and sign the reading log. Australian Parenting website, raisingchildren.net.au says, ‘Reading stories stimulates your child’s imagination and helps your child learn about the world…reading books can help your child learn about and feel respect for other cultures. Reading also develops your child’s social skills and skills for managing emotions. And reading is also a great time for you to bond with your child and share time together.’
Junior School students are excited to be participating. All students who complete the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Tasmanian Premier.
For more information about the 2023 Challenge please visit: https://www.decyp.tas.gov.au/premiers-reading-challenge/
Mrs Meg Denman & Mrs Sue Cole
Community - P&F Dinner
Dear Fahan Community,
With the Fahan Parents and Friends' Dinner fast approaching we are still seeking suitable prizes that can be donated and listed in the silent or live auction. If you are able to donate a prize or know of someone who would be willing to do so, please contact the P&F at pandf@fahan.tas.edu.au. Every little bit helps in making this a successful fundraising event, with all funds benefiting the School and our daughters.
In addition, I would like to thank Amelia Edwards and Trudi Steedman from Year 9, Daniel Baker and Nicole Frith from Year 10 and Shirl Badenach from Year 12, who have stepped up as class representatives for those years groups, however we are still looking for volunteers to represent Years 7, 8 and 11. If you are able to help, please get in touch. There is not a huge time committment required and we would appreciate your assistance.
Michael O'Connor
P&F President
Community - Case Space Academy Holiday Camp Scholarships Available
We’re pleased to offer 10 scholarship places in the exciting CASE Space Academy Holiday Camp. Students must be aged between 9-13 years. This applied STEAM course supports our School’s STEAM program and its learning outcomes are aligned with the Australian Curriculum.
In the Term 3 holidays solidify your child’s skills, giving them greater self-confidence and an interest in STEAM learning.
Through the excitement of real space scenarios and fun activities this September, It’s a Mars Life will ignite your child’s interest and enthusiasm for STEAM while nurturing their curiosity and imagination.
- Learn about Mars, galactic farming, water systems, solar energy and what it would take for humans to thrive on Mars
- Design your own Mars colony
- Engage in immersive hands-on STEAM activities
- Apply STEAM and Growth Mindset skills to solve real space challenges
- Live NASA tour
- Course conducted live by CASE certified course leaders
CASE Space Academy is a comprehensive online space learning program specifically for students aged 9-13 and exclusively supported by NASA experts.
Learn more at casespaceacademy.com
Special Fahan scholarship offer for It’s a Mars Life! Ten Fahan students have the opportunity to take part.
Places are strictly limited, so please register your child's interest with Felicity Jacobs (Science Coordinator) by Friday 7 July to secure their place.
It’s a Mars Life!
Community - Lady Gowrie Vacation Care Program
Please click on the link below to view the Lady Gowrie Vacation Care Program for the upcoming school holidays.
2024 Term Dates
2024 Term Dates have been finalised and are available through the link on the left panel of the newsletters, the School website, Fahan App (under links on the bottom right hand corner) and below.
Community - Student Absence
Notification of student absence as a result of illness should be emailed to absence@fahan.tas.edu.au, advised by telephone on 6225 1064 or submitted through the Fahan App.
You are reminded that if foreseen absences are unavoidable, such as holidays during term time, a Request for Absence form should be completed and returned to the School.
Community Notices
Fahan School Uniform Purchases
The Uniform Shop is open for appointments during the following times:
Tuesdays: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Thursdays: 11:30am -4:00pm
Parents are able to make an appointment via email for a fitting uniformshop@fahan.tas.edu.au. Students may visit the Uniform Shop during recess, at lunch time, or after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Fahan School uniform items can be ordered through the Flexischools website or App (Apple of Google). All uniform orders placed via the Flexischools App will be delivered to Reception for Senior School orders and to the classrooms for Junior School orders on Tuesdays and Thursdays during term time. Please allow two days notice for delivery of orders placed before 4:00pm (three days for orders placed after 4:00pm).
Canteen online orders are taken before school through the Flexischools website or App.
A variety of foods are offered and healthy, nutritional choices are encouraged. Parents can also load money onto a student's ID card through the Flexischools App so that students from Year 3 may use their student card to purchase items from the canteen.
Fahan School Bus Service
For more information on the Fahan Bus Service, please click here.