A Fortnight at Fahan - Term 4, 8 December 2023
Principal's Report
2024 Back to School Information
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches in the Junior School for 2024
Learning about Recycled and Eco-Conscious Art in Pre-Kinder
Learning in Year 3
Learning about Fishing in Year 4
Learning about Canoeing in Year 6
Learning about Ancient Egypt in Year 7
Learning How to Make Floral Wreaths
Learning in French
Learning about Probability in Year 8
Learning at the Tasmanian Institute of Sport
Learning about Climbing in Outdoor Adventure Skills
Spirit of a Christmas Production
Spirit of Junior Orchestra
Spirit of Year 4 Strings
Spirit of Year 6
Spirit of Year 8s Big Day In
Spirit of Activities Week
Spirit of Lumina 9 Bikes4Kids
Spirit of Year 9 Music
Spirit of Year 10 Camp
Spirit of JATNET Japanese Speech Contest
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Community - Little Sparks
Community - P&F 2023 Wrap up
Community - P&F Wish List Thank You
Student Absence
2024 Term Dates
Lady Gowrie Vacation Care Program
Community Notices
Principal's Report
Term 4 in a school is always a time of intense concentration and great joy. Our Year 6 students have been farewelled from the Junior School and are ready to embark on their journey through the Senior School. Our little ones delighted us with their performance of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and our Year 7-10’s have had an action-packed week of activities. Our Year 12’s will be officially ‘tossed out’ on Monday next week.
I would like to let you know of some people we are farewelling from Fahan at the end of 2023.
Our Head of Franklin House and Japanese Teacher, Clare Enright, will be on leave for 2024. Teaching Japanese in her place will be Lara Wojcik and Kate Saliba, who are already familiar faces at Fahan. Fiona Short will be Head of Franklin House in 2024.
French Teacher, Christine Palmer, has decided that it is time to retire at the end of this year. We have appreciated Christine’s contribution to the education of students at Fahan. Her passion for all things French is clear to us all and we thank her for imparting this to her students.
Next year, both John Williamson and Robert Owens will step back from the classroom. John will still be guiding students with Careers Counselling, so we will still have the pleasure of his company. Hopefully, we will still see Mr Owens now and again, which is wonderful for all students who will benefit from his incredible knowledge and professionalism.
Emily Hogan will be taking leave in 2024. Ange Grist, who has been our Music Administrator, will be leaving us to move to Melbourne. We also thank Joshua Galarroza for his contribution to the Music Department in Term 4. Miranda Baptist, who was teaching Business Studies, will leave us at the end of this year.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of these people for their dedication and service to Fahan.
We are welcoming some new staff in 2024. India Anderson, who has been here for the last six months, will join our Maths and Science team in the Senior School.
Sophie Gibson, an experienced Senior School teacher, will join us as French and Humanities teacher and Vanessa Williamson will join us as Educational Assistant across the School.
We also welcome Andrea Gadon as our new Learning Support Teacher in the Senior School. Andrea has had extensive experience in this specialised field and we are very lucky that our students will be the beneficiaries of this at Fahan.
As we draw the curtains on a successful year at Fahan, I extend warm wishes to the entire School Community for a joyous and rejuvenating holiday season. Whether you are travelling to new destinations or enjoying the comforts of home, may your holidays be a time of rest and renewal. Thank you all for your continued support of Fahan this year. I hope that you have the time to connect with your families over the break and I will look forward to seeing all Senior School students and parents at Speech Night on 11 December.
I wish you all a restful, happy and safe holiday period.
Best wishes,
Meg Lawson
2024 Back to School Information
Back to School information for 2024 is available on the Fahan School website using this link: https://www.fahan.tas.edu.au/back-to-school.
Information includes:
- Booklists and purchasing details for Years 3-12 in 2024
- Device requirements
- 2024 Term Dates
- Uniform Shop bookings
- Updated School Bus information
Booklist Ordering
For Years 7–12 in 2024, Fahan School has appointed Box of Books as the supplier of textbooks. Please note Box of Books has advised that texts must be ordered by Friday 8 December 2023 to guarantee delivery in time for Term 1. There are separate lists for stationery requirements. Requirements for Kinder to Year 2 in 2024 will be provided by the School.
Important Update to Uniform
The Uniform Guidelines have been updated for 2024. Please review these carefully. In addition, we have added some useful photo guides for your reference. Please also note the following changes to uniform in 2024:
- The old PE spray jacket can no longer be worn. The current PE navy soft shell jacket is the only acceptable PE jacket.
- Starting in 2024, Years 1 to 6 will be transitioning to navy fleece track pants for PE. The current striped parachute track pants may be worn in the Junior School for the next two years as we transition all students across to the navy track pants. Photos can be viewed in the Uniform Guidelines.
Back to School Uniform Appointments in 2024
The Uniform Shop will be open by appointment before School resumes so that you can ensure your daughter has the complete and correct uniform. Appointments are available from Monday 29 January to Friday 2 February from 8:30am - 4:30pm where fittings are required. Students in Years 1 to 12 are required to wear brown school shoes and Faull's Shoes has provided the attached voucher for 20% discount.
The Uniform Shop will be closed from 5 December for stocktaking.
Appointments for Back to School purchases can be made during the last week of the January holidays through this link.
Office Hours
The School Office hours during the holidays are 9:00am – 3:30pm. Please also note the following:
- Friday 15 December 2023: CLOSED from 11:30am
- Monday 18 December 2023 to Friday 5 January 2024: CLOSED
- Monday 8 January 2024 – Office reopens: 9:00am–3:30pm
Please contact the School on (03) 6225 1064 or fahanschool@fahan.tas.edu.au if you have any queries.
Mobile Phones and Smart Watches in the Junior School for 2024
To maximise learning in class and foster positive social interactions, the Junior School has updated its policy on mobile phones to include smart watches. Our policy is that all mobile phones and smart watches must be switched off and kept in student bags during the School day.
Except for the use of a smart watch to monitor a medical condition, smart watches are not to be worn at all in the Junior School.
Children are encouraged to wear a digital or analogue watch at School. If a smart watch is an alternative to a mobile phone for your child, they are to be kept in bags during school hours.
Parents are asked to not call or message students during School hours. All communications during School hours are made via email or phone to reception.
For further information about policies and programs, please refer to the 2024 Junior School Handbook.
Mrs Tania Gath
Head of Junior School
Learning about Recycled and Eco-Conscious Art in Pre-Kinder
Extending on our sustainability ethos and linking this into nature exploration, all children were invited to use a variety of recyclable materials to snap the wonderful pictures.
With great enthusiasm, our Pre-Kinder children embarked on a journey of exploration collecting various materials and embraced sustainability and creativity by crafting artworks using these resources. Bottle lids, buttons, wool, and cardboard found life as children recreated the wonders of our stunning outdoor learning environment. Children made the life-like plover family, ladybug, caterpillar, bird and nest, wasp, ant, and flower out of these recyclable materials. Each piece tells a unique story inspired by children’s exploration and observations along our daily outdoor learning play programs.
Through their artwork, they have depicted the essence of the natural environment, symbolizing the interconnectedness of nature and the importance of preserving our precious environment. It is not only encouraging artistic expression but also instils a sense of responsibility towards our environment.
By nurturing a love for the eco-environment and sustainability in our children, we are fostering responsible citizens who will play an integral role in preserving and protecting our planet.
Lisa, Kelly, Vivienne, Moya and Hattie
Lady Gowrie Fahan Education and Care Team
Learning in Year 3
The last couple of weeks in Year 3 have been full of excitement and fun, with students participating in a variety of enjoyable, creative and challenging Christmas activities. We thoroughly enjoyed sewing beautiful Christmas embroidery cards with our Prep buddies, baking and decorating Christmas cookies in the Food Technology Hub with Mrs Browning, creating gorgeous tree ornaments with wire and beads, and making Christmas gift tags and cards, just to name a few!
What a wonderful year we have had with so much fun and great learning.
Happy Christmas, everyone!
Mrs Nicole Bury
Learning about Fishing in Year 4
On Wednesday 29 November, the Year 4 Fahan fishergirls participated enthusiastically in the “Take a kid fishing” program at Marieville Esplanade (near the Fahan Rowing Sheds).
After some practice and a fortifying barbeque lunch, superbly cooked by Mrs Horne and Mr Allanby, the girls baited their fishing lines and started fishing.
Fishcare kindly provided the fishing gear and some information about sustainability and catch sizes. Special thanks goes to the parents for their much-appreciated assistance and expert tuition on the finer points of angling.
On the last cast of the day, a fine specimen of a flathead was caught and released back into the ocean. The flathead’s size has grown with each retelling of the story. The girls were caught “hook, line and sinker” on fishing.
Mr David Hodgman
Learning about Canoeing in Year 6
Year 6 recently went canoeing on the Huon River. We ventured down on two different days and to begin our adventure, Mr Firth and Abigail gave us some safety briefs. We discovered that there were four positions in the canoe, and we also learnt how to steer. When we first got in, it was a bit hard to steer but we soon got used to it.
Mr Firth surprised us with lolly snakes, but first, we had to move from boat to boat safely in the middle of the deep, dark waters. Another prize-winning activity was a rowing race. We found this tricky at first, but we wanted those lolly snakes!
When we arrived at the Huon Esplanade, we made our own lunch on Trangia's. The pasta took ages to cook, so luckily we brought extra snacks!
Overall, both days were enjoyable, and even though it was challenging at first, we all loved it!
By Olivia Grubb
Learning about Ancient Egypt in Year 7
Throughout Term 4, the Year 7 students learnt about Ancient Egypt. The students each chose to do a project based on an area of interest. Students chose from Task A, which involved selecting three activities from a range of tasks, or Task B, which involved undertaking a research project, by answering a question about Ancient Egypt.
Some of the activities in Task A included: Creating a timeline, drawing Tutankhamun’s burial mask, making a model of a Pyramid, recreating a piece of jewellery or researching an Egyptian myth.
Some of the questions in Task B included:
- What roles did the gods play in Ancient Egyptian society? What did Ancient Egyptians believe about the after-life? What burial customs did they have?
- What does art and architecture tell us about Ancient Egyptian society?
- What was the significance of hieroglyphs in Ancient Egyptian culture, and how did their meaning evolve over time?
- How did the Ancient Egyptians view cats, and what was the cultural and religious significance of cats in Ancient Egyptian society?
In completing these tasks, Year 7 students utilised the Fahan School Library database and practised using their referencing skills. Students were assessed on their skills of being a researcher, a communicator and a self-manager. Self-management skills included demonstrating independence, make wise decisions about learning, and setting goals to work towards.
The unit culminated in an Ancient Egypt Expo, where the students decided how they would best share their understandings. We saw models, posters, artworks, PowerPoints and more! Everyone did a great job and it was a pleasure to see such outstanding work on display.
Ms Fiona Short
Learning How to Make Floral Wreaths
On Tuesday this week, a small group of Year 8 students took part in a floral wreath workshop.
We started on the deck where lots of flowers and foliage were waiting for us, kindly donated by Fahan staff from their home gardens. There were lots of different things to choose from, including beautiful orange protea pincushions, billy buttons, kangaroo paw and lots of beautiful different types of foliage.
We spent a bit over an hour making our wreaths by carefully angling the cuts and inserting the stems into the foam ring. Each of the wreaths were beautiful! After recess we jumped into the School car and drove around Hobart delivering the wreaths to organisations that make a positive difference in our local community. The groups were: Hamlet Café, the Hobart Women’s Refuge, Bethlehem House, The Refugee Legal Service, Sandown Nursing Home and ABC Hobart.
Each of the organisations were very grateful to receive their wreath and Christmas card, and each of them gave us a talk about the work they do. Patrick, the lead lawyer at the Refugee Legal Service, introduced us to the other workers there and spoke about how they help refugee and asylum seekers. Leon Compton at the ABC gave us a great tour of the studios and we met lots of different presenters and checked out the TV studio and radio studios.
It was an amazing couple of hours in which we learnt a lot about the different places around Hobart that we may not have known about before. Thanks to everyone who donated their beautiful flowers for us to include in our wreaths!
Ms Felicity Jacobs
Learning in French
On 24 November, it was a beautiful day so a number of Year 7 French students enjoyed learning how to play pétanque on the Boarder’s Flat in the sunshine.
In the later weeks of Term 4, Year 9 French students had fun writing a “Little Miss” story in the French past tense and illustrating it to make a cartoon story. They then went up to the Year 6 combined classes and read their stories to the Year 6 students who were enthralled by the big girls' French stories!
Madame Palmer
Learning about Probability in Year 8
On Tuesday, Year 8 students ran another amazing Probability Fair! The games were well designed and provided a lot of fun to everyone involved.
In the process of designing the games, students get exposed to both experimental and theoretical probabilities.
It is always amazing to see how their engagement in the task creates opportunities for discussions and calculations well beyond the Year 8 Australian Curriculum.
Being able to make predictions is a big part of the world we live in today and is a foundation to many career paths such as finance, economics, meteorology and more.
Christmas is a time for giving and we are very grateful to everyone involved in the event for their generosity. All proceeds are given to our beloved charity Wildcare Tasmania.
With thanks and Christmas blessing.
Mrs Virginie von Savageri
Learning at the Tasmanian Institute of Sport
On Friday 10 November, the Years 9/10 Sport Science class went on an excursion to the Tasmanian Institute of Sport. We participated in a variety of activities including lactate tests, athlete screening, and strength and conditioning. We learnt how their facilities operated and how they support high level athletes throughout the state.
Throughout the excursion, we rotated through three practical sessions. The first was strength and conditioning, where coaches taught us about performance in a variety of sporting fields. We were able to analyse our technique performing certain exercises, such as squats, and we saw how force plates work when athletes jump on them. We then learnt about lactate testing, with Matilda, Georgie and Jaden all volunteering to do this test on an exercise bike, then the Sports Scientist took blood samples from their little finger to test the blood lactate levels and find their performance threshold. In the third station we learnt about the TIS athlete identification program. We were able to participate in the Blaze Pods agility test which was a lot of fun as we raced against each other to touch lights as they flashed on, and then did the vertical jump test to test how high we could jump.
Overall, this excursion was great fun and a valuable experience to learn about how the TIS works and how they support high level athletes across Tasmania.
By Amelia and Jaden
I thought the excursion was a great experience and I valued learning about the scientific aspect of sport. Ivy Dickson
I enjoyed learning about how professional athletes train and prepare for national and international competitions, and I am very grateful for the staff who ran the sessions and helped organise this visit. Kate Edwards
I loved looking at all the photos of the TIS Athletes on the wall, it really inspired me. Issy Willcox
I really enjoyed finding out about the many different areas that sport can take you. Penny Geappen
Learning about Climbing in Outdoor Adventure Skills
Year 9 Outdoor Adventure students went to Sand River in Buckland for a day excursion to develop their skills rock climbing.
Climbing, especially in an outdoor setting, is a team effort. Students are learning the importance of clear communication, trust, and collaboration. Each climber relies on their belaying partner for safety, creating a strong sense of camaraderie among the group. These teamwork skills are not only essential for climbing, but are transferable to various aspects of life.
Spirit of a Christmas Production
During Term 4, Kinder to Year 2 students have been creating and rehearsing their christmas production, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.
The process of preparing the various elements of our show (dancing, singing and acting) was just as an enriching and valuable experience as the final performance itself. The students were able to learn about blocking movements on stage, listening carefully to the director’s instruction, keeping extra quiet in the wings and how to run a ‘tech’ rehearsal.
The effort from each performer was substantial at every rehearsal, especially from those who needed to exercise lots of patience! The final performance was a genuine success, which is a credit to everyone involved.
A number of thoughts/feelings were shared along the way. Here are a few:
I loved learning to sing all the songs, especially The Night Before Christmas and ‘Where Did Rudolph Go? Mia
I liked singing together. Audrey
I liked singing with all my friends. Alice
I liked learning the actions to the songs. Josie
I liked how we all played such exciting roles! I played a reindeer. I liked dancing with the Kindergarten Snowflakes too. Sofia
I liked spending time with all of the younger children. Millie
I enjoyed seeing all the Kindergarten Snowflakes dance. It reminded me of Cradle Mountain in the winter. Lizzie
They looked so delicate. Fei
The looked like angels when they dance. They are so graceful. Ava
They remind me of stars. Halle
Or floating jellyfish in the sea. Anna
I loved dessing up in the sparkly tutus. Sylvie
They are a little bit itchy though! Dot
I loved dancing with my friends and the bigger girls. Elodie
Kindergarten to Year 2 Teachers
Spirit of Junior Orchestra
In week 7, the Junior Orchestra put on a performance for the Years 3 and 4 classes, as a celebration of their achievements this year. They performed Aliens in the Attic by Tyler Arcari, an ominous and exciting piece showcasing some of the more unusual sounds strings instruments can make in extended techniques, as well as Russian Dance, a lively folk tune arranged by Pat Legg.
The Junior Orchestra has shown great dedication, meeting every Friday afternoon to rehearse. Many new players joined over the course of the year, meaning that during 2023 our ensemble has almost doubled in size. A huge thanks goes to all the students and tutors involved for sharing their love for music for the Years 3 and 4 students, and throughout the year!
Miss Jayne Wheatley and Ms Ange Grist
Spirit of Year 4 Strings
In week 6, Year 4 students showcased all they have been learning in their string lessons this year for the Years 1 and 2 students.
Each group (violin, viola, cello, and bass) performed some instrument-specific pieces, and the whole class came together for some string ensemble ‘dazzlers’. It was a great opportunity to celebrate their achievements for the year and share the joy of making music together.
Congratulations on all your hard work, Year 4! We hope to see some of you continue your musical journey in Junior Orchestra next year.
Miss Jayne Wheatley and Ms Ange Grist
Spirit of Year 6
To celebrate the end of our time in the Junior School, Year 6 hosted a luncheon for various staff members of the School Community. The event is to celebrate the wonderful memories made in the Junior School.
With very little direction, all Year 6 students organised the event themselves. Organising the luncheon was a long process. First, we split into five groups (Logistics, Design, Entertainment, Cooking and Marketing), each in charge of their respective jobs. We all chose which group we were in. After we formed groups, we voted for a group leader. We then decided the theme of the luncheon (which was botanical) and got to work planning. We had a group meeting every week where we would discuss our ideas. As the date drew closer, we had more meetings to organise.
When the day came, we finished setting up the room and brought up the food ready for the luncheon. When all our guests arrived, we sat in our designated seats and enjoyed our meal. There were 2 raffles and some people had speeches. There was also a photo booth where a lot of people had fun taking photos.
After the luncheon finished, we all helped clean up. We had lots of fun organising the luncheon and we have heard from various staff members that they enjoyed themselves. We thank the Marketing team and Mrs Browning for their help during this event.
By Bethany Hutchinson
Spirit of Year 8s Big Day In
This year, Activities Week has focused on student voice and student choice. On Wednesday, the Year 8 cohort spent the day at School, undertaking a range of activities in which they had chosen to take part.
There were groups doing philosophy, cooking, floristry, technology, ceramics and ‘musical in a day’.
Our cooking groups prepared lunch for everybody, which was delicious. Thank you to all staff who ran the groups, and a big thank you to Zehra Naqvi (Fahan alumni and current parent) who came in to assist with our ‘musical in a day’ workshop. The students delighted in learning about Zehra’s time at Fahan, as well as hearing about her experience in musical theatre, both here in Australia and on London’s West End!
Ms Fiona Short
Spirit of Activities Week
Spirit of Lumina 9 Bikes4Kids
For over ten years, our Lumina 9 students have dedicated their efforts to raise funds each year for Variety Tasmania’s Bikes4Kids Appeal.
This longstanding partnership between Fahan and Variety Tasmania holds a very important place in the hearts of our Year 9 girls, and they proudly presented bikes to five very deserving children.
Thank you to the Pastoral Care teachers for delivering the 2023 Lumina 9 program and congratulations to all the girls for their enthusiasm and passion to bring smiles to the faces to very important young people in our community.
Spirit of Year 9 Music
Last week, students in the Year 9 Music elective class performed a selection of rock band pieces to Years 3 and 4 students. The Year 9s have been preparing the songs all semester and produced an entertaining performance showcasing vocals, bass guitar, keyboard, drums, electric guitar and tenor saxophone for their younger peers.
Thanks go to Benita and Mr Galarroza for helping prepare the girls for this performance and congratulations to the Year 9s!
Miss Jayne Wheatley
Spirit of Year 10 Camp
Last week, 34 Year 10 students went to the picturesque Cloudy Bay on Bruny Island, where they embarked on a five day, four-night camp. The journey began with Monday morning buzzing with activity as the group organised and purchased provisions for the week ahead.
After efficiently setting up camp, the students wasted no time in immersing themselves in the beauty of Cloudy Bay. Picture this: a surf beach at their doorstep, trees echoing with the calls of cockatoos, and robins gracefully flitting from branch to branch.
Over the next four days, the Year 10 campers embraced a smorgasbord of activities, ensuring there was something for every adventure seeker. Stand-up paddleboarding, surfing, snorkeling, sea kayaking – each day brought a new aquatic adventure. For those yearning for the solid ground beneath their feet, bushwalking expeditions along the Labillardière Peninsula circuit and the Fluted Cape track offered breathtaking views and a connection to the island's natural wonders.
The evenings were capped off with friendly matches of beach cricket, football, good food and campfires.
To finish off, the students completed a scavenger hunt at Alonnah’s Sunset Bay beach. Eight groups competed fiercely, scouring the hundred-meter stretch for lace coral, specific algae species, and even pieces of plastic. It was a blend of environmental awareness, teamwork, and a touch of friendly competition that added a unique flavor to the week's adventures.
As we reflect on this week-long escape, we extend our thanks to the dedicated Outdoor Education staff and teachers. Their passion for creating meaningful outdoor adventures has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of our Year 10 students.
For these students, Cloudy Bay was not just a destination; it was a sanctuary where they unwound, recharged, and forged bonds that will last a lifetime. What better way to conclude the academic year than with a week of exploration, laughter, and the beauty of Bruny Island's natural wonders?
Spirit of JATNET Japanese Speech Contest
Congratulations to all the Fahan students who participated in the 2023 JATNET Speech Contest!
On Friday 17 November, Her Excellency, The Governor of Tasmania, hosted a reception at Government House to honour the achievements of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place recipients.
In her role as the patron of the Japanese Teachers’ Network of Tasmania (JATNET), The Honourable Barbara Baker presided over an awards ceremony that celebrated the achievements of Japanese language learners from across the state.
The evening was a delightful affair for Amelie Rincon Franco (Year 10), Chloe Groom (Year 9), Anna McCallum (Year 6), Olive Smith (Year 5), their mothers and I, as we enjoyed the awards ceremony, drinks, canapes, and had the opportunity to explore the exquisite rooms and gardens of Government House.
Mrs Clare Enright
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Junior Triathlon
Last Friday, the Junior School had 51 students make their way to Bellerive for the Primary Triathlon. This is a big day, with over 3000 participants from many schools. Our girls acquitted themselves very well with a number of individuals and teams putting themselves right in the top group of competitors.
Many thanks go to those staff who assisted on the day; Daisy Maning, Jo Banks-Smith, Mrs Steel, Mr Hodgman and Mrs Gath. Our thanks, also, to the parents who were willing to assist if needed, and kept an eye on the girls moving about the place.
Junior Touch Football
The Junior Touch Football season came to a close last week. The girls continue to really enjoy this sport, with high energy, dodging and weaving. Many thanks to our coaches, Mark Playle and Luke Taylor. Both made their way in to lunchtime trainings and were key factors in the girls enjoying their experience.
Junior Cricket
The Junior Cricket season also came to a close last week. Many thanks to Lindsay Ashlin and Mrs Steel for looking after this team. Despite the competition being down on numbers, the girls enjoyed the experience and hopefully those Year 6 students will continue on with the sport in the Senior School.
School Sport Australia Athletics
A big congratulations goes to Evie Essex and Milla and Frankie Gorringe, who recently competed at the School Sport Australia National Athletics, held in Launceston. The girls were exposed to some excellent competition, with athletes coming from all over Australia. Milla also walked away with a bronze medal in the 12yr old 800m Sprint Relay. Well done!
Junior Sailing
Good luck to Ruby Pilkington and Abbey Lodge, who are off to Adelaide in January to compete in the Australian Optimist National Sailing Championships. I’ve been hearing stories from Ruby of long and difficult training sessions!
Junior Sport Wrap
Once again it has a been a busy year in the world of Junior Sport. You would think after doing this for a little while, that it would get easier and less hectic but it seems to be going the other way! Below are the numbers regarding participants in 2023.
Soccer - Years 1-6: 72
Tennis - Years 5-6: 5
Orienteering - Years 3-6: 10
Netball - Years 3-6: 61
Hockey - Years 1-6: 35
Basketball - Years 3-6: 60
Cricket - Years 3-6: 7
Touch Football - Years 5-6: 30
JSSATIS Swimming: 27
JSSATIS Cross Country: 40
Primary All Schools Cross Country: 34
JSSATIS Athletics: 43
Primary Triathlon: 51
I’ve said this before - for a small school, we continue to field as many, if not more, teams than the larger schools in the rosters in which we participate. The girls were fantastic with training this year and I can’t recall chasing too many. I’m not silly enough to think there are not times that they would prefer to stay in the playground and play, but they understand if you sign up for a sport, you need to train and I think that is important to maintain, with a number of other schools now going down the track of learning from the games only.
A huge thank you goes to our coaches and managers, who have enabled our students to benefit from participating in sport. This, as always, has been a mix of parents and staff. Nobody is forced to take on a team, a group, or an event, so to those willing, it is greatly appreciated by both myself and the girls. I do know we have a pretty strong culture in the Junior School at Fahan with regard to staff support (I include classroom teachers and teachers assistants here). Rarely do staff say ‘no’ when I come knocking on the door and, if they do, it is more than likely with really good reason eg. staff do have their own families and commitments, contrary to what some of the girls may believe!
Lastly, I would like to thank Head of Junior School, Mrs Gath, for her support. In preparing for events, she has always greeted me with ‘tell me what you need’. She has been front and centre at many of these big events and coached Netball during the season (which she has done on many occasions). She has first-hand knowledge of how much our girls benefit from participating in sport, the effort they put in and what it takes to get these teams up and going.
Mr Tim Dale
Junior Sport Coordinator
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Congratulations to all the tennis teams for a fantastic term of Tennis. A special mention to the Year 10 Navy team- Felicity Barling, Zara Marino, Betsy Ryan and Olivia Bottomley who won the SSATIS Grand Final against St Michael's Collegiate on Monday 4 December. The Year 9 Navy team also won their SSATIS Grand Final against Friends’. Thank you to Mrs Buchanan and Mr Allanby for coaching all the teams and to all the team managers.
This term, Fahan had two teams entered in the afterschool racing program run on Wednesday afternoons. The teams had a mixture of wins and losses with some exciting racing against the other teams. The girls will be looking forward to coming back next year to compete in the Term 1 roster. An EdSmart has been sent about Sailing Camp in 2024, which will be held on Thursday 1 February at Sandy Bay Sailing Club from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Responses are required to be submitted if girls wish to attend.
Best wishes to Charlotte Cutrale who will represent Tasmania in the National All Schools Track and Field Championships in Perth, from Friday 8 December to Sunday 10 December. We look forward to hearing her results and hope that she enjoys the experience.
On Thursday, 30 Senior School students competed in the All Schools Triathlon held at Bellerive Beach. All Fahan competitors did extremely well and everyone competed with true Fahan spirit. Congratulations to everyone for their efforts. Thank you to Mr Coulson, Ms Williamson, Daisy Maning and Mrs Shearing for managing the team on the day.
Best wishes to the U13, U14 and U15 rowers who will compete in the Junior Quad Scull Sprint Regatta on Saturday 8 December at New Norfolk. The Open and U16 rowers will also compete at New Norfolk and will row in the Ally Cashion Long Distance race on Sunday 9 December.
Australian Rules Football
On Thursday 23 November, 17 students from Years 10, 11 and 12 travelled to Darwin on the Fahan School AFL and Cultural Tour. They were accompanied by myself, Mrs Buchanan and Mr Leigh Crosby (the First Grade AFL coach). We had many memorable experiences including a day on the Tiwi Islands playing sports games with the children at the primary school and at Xavier Christian College, a tour of the Michael Long Centre and an insightful and inspirational talk with Michael McLean and Matthew Campbell. We also used their gym, pool and ice bath facilities.
We watched the AFLNT women’s football games at TIO Stadium and trained with St Mary’s Football Club and Buffalo’s Football Club. These experiences gave us a small taste of what it is like to play AFL in such a hot and humid climate, as well as introducing us to many players and coaches. We spent a day exploring Litchfield National Park which was unforgettable and the croc jumping tour showed us just how powerful crocodiles really are! At Crocosaurus we leant about reptiles and held pythons and lizards!
Our Fahan students represented the School proudly. They were keen to learn from, and engage with, the people we met and the experiences they had. This was a truly memorable trip and we look forward to sharing it in more detail with the School early next year.
Term 1, 2023 Sports
The EdSmart for Term 1 Sport sign ups will be sent to students in January. Parents and carers will also be sent this EdSmart, but only students will be able to complete and submit it.
The sports offered in Term 1, 2024 in the Senior School will be:
- Soccer – Years 7 & 8 and Years 9 & 10
- Volleyball - Years 7 & 8, Years 9 & 10 and Years 11 &12
- Cricket – Years 7 - 10
- Basketball - 1st and 2nd Grade
- Tennis - 1st and 2nd Grade
- Sailing
- Rowing – continued from 2023
The Inter House Athletics Carnival will be held in Term 1 on Friday 9 February.
Once again, I would like to comment on the outstanding participation and enthusiasm for sport at Fahan. Our students truly embrace the Fahan spirit and have excellent sportsmanship on and off the playing ground, court, field or pool. I look forward to beginning 2024 with the commitment, pride and team spirit that Fahan students show.
A huge thank you goes to everyone who has coached or managed a sports team this year. Your expertise, help and support is always appreciated. If any parents are able to help manage or coach a team in Term 1, please contact me at bankssmithj@fahan.tas.edu.au
Mrs Jo Banks-Smith
Senior Sport Co-ordinator
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Community - Little Sparks
Lillian, Fiona and I have thoroughly enjoyed running our birth to 4 year old program, Little Sparks, this year. We have welcomed many new families to the School and loved the opportunity for younger siblings of current families to come and join us regularly for a play.
We finished the last few sessions of the year with a Kinder gym in the Schools’ gymnasium, with the help of our Year 6 leaders, a play at the park and, of course, some Christmas craft and cooking!
We come together on a Friday morning to play, explore different activities and materials, share morning tea and sing some favourite songs.
We look forward to seeing many of you again for the 2024 program.
Mrs Tania Gath
Head of Junior School
Community - P&F 2023 Wrap up
The Fahan Parent and Friends' Committee is pleased to advise that through the successful fundraising events held throughout the year, and with the support of the Fahan Community, the Association was again in a position to make a meaningful donation to the School in 2023.
One can imagine that the needs of any school are endless, but with the assistance of the teachers and staff of Fahan, a list of items that could have the greatest impact was presented to the Committee for consideration. The list contained items from a wide variety of subjects including Science, Music, Art, HPE and Outdoor Education. Specific items included VR headsets, biology bundles, Spielgaben materials, heartrate monitors, mountain bikes, camping gear, projectors, and much more. Perhaps though, most importantly, the Association was able to make a donation to academic support, including ADHD aids, wobble stools, footstools and academic material, ensuring that Fahan has the best resources to provide every single girl an equal chance to learn.
The Association’s ability to make a contribution to the School each and every year is a testament to the strong and vibrant Fahan Community, and I would like to again thank all those parents who are members of the Association, the parents who have chosen to be a committee member, the volunteers, and all those parents who made donations or engaged in the fundraising activities. Your contribution helps build upon the outstanding environment that the students of Fahan enjoy.
Michael O'Connor
President, Parents and Friends' Association
Community - P&F Wish List Thank You
Thank you to the P&F for the fabulous new items that have appeared in the Junior School this week. The following Wish List items were approved for the Junior School to purchase: four outdoor timber picnic tables, set of classroom calculators, digital kitchen scales, scientific scales and an additional set of our fabulous Cookie cushion pads for flexible seating options.
The Junior School appreciated the efforts of the P&F and thanks all members of the P&F for the wonderful resources.
Junior School Staff
Student Absence
You are reminded that if foreseen absences are unavoidable, such as holidays during term time, a Request for Absence form should be completed and returned to the School.
Notification of student absence as a result of illness should be emailed to absence@fahan.tas.edu.au, advised by telephone on 6225 1064 or submitted through the Fahan App.
2024 Term Dates
2024 Term Dates have been finalised and are available through the link on the left panel of the newsletters, the School website, Fahan App (under links on the bottom right hand corner) and below.
Lady Gowrie Vacation Care Program
Community Notices
Fahan School Bus Service
For more information on the Fahan Bus Service, please click here.