A Fortnight at Fahan - Term 2, 17 May 2024
Principal's Report
Student Absence, Late Arrival or Early Departure
Learning in Vacation Care
Learning about Art in Pre-Kinder
Learning about the State Libary
Learning at Snug Falls in Year 3
Learning about Sustainability
Learning about Leadership in Year 6
Learning in Business Studies
Learning about France
Learning at the Lumina 9 Outdoor Camp
Learning Onboard the Lady Nelson Tall Ship
Spirit of Debating
Spirit of Battle of the Bands
Spirit of Year 8 Outdoor Education Camp
Spirit of Mountain Bike All Schools Championships
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Community - Thank you to the P&F
Community - Rug Up Tassie
Community - SPEAK UP Stay ChatTY
Uniform Shop Reminder
Community Notices
Principal's Report
Term 2 is in full swing, and the range of activities that Fahan students have been involved in has been extensive.
Over the holiday break, students and staff returned from the French trip. The feedback from all is that they had a wonderful time. They tried some good (and not so good!) food, saw some wonderful sights, and met many new people. Their French speaking skills also improved, staff included!
Another exciting holiday adventure was our sailing camp aboard the majestic tall ship, The Lady Nelson. This unique experience allowed nine senior students to gain hands-on knowledge about sailing a vessel of this magnitude. They rotated through various stations, honing their skills. Despite the calm weather, their enthusiasm was not dampened, and all appreciated the experience.
Additionally, we had a number of students who competed at a national level in athletics, gymnastics, orienteering, and swimming. The abilities and achievements of Fahan students never cease to amaze me, and we congratulate every one of these students on their tremendous accomplishments.
We also had seven Year 12 students involved in the Anzac Day march during the holidays. All these students were very proud to be wearing the Fahan uniform and be part of this important commemoration event.
Since the commencement of the term, some of our Years 9 and 10 students have competed in the Science and Engineering Challenge, we have had our House Cross Country, our Year 8s have been on camp, and rehearsals for House Music for Years 7-12 have been in full swing. Our Junior School students have performed in The Battle of the Bands, been on several excursions and are busy practising for their House Cross Country next week. All this, plus their usual academic program, ensures that our students have been very involved with School activities.
Our changeroom renovation at the oval is nearing completion and we should be able to access this improved facility in about three weeks, just in time for the cooler months.
Best wishes,
Meg Lawson
Student Absence, Late Arrival or Early Departure
Notification of student absence for any reason, including illness, late arrival or early departure, should be submitted through the Fahan App, emailed to absence@fahan.tas.edu.au or advised by telephone on 6225 1064 or. Requests for planned absence (eg sporting events, family events, etc) are now also advised through the App and are no longer required to be submitted on the Request for Absence form.
Please do not email notifications of absence directly to teachers.
Learning in Vacation Care
The children enjoyed a fun filled vacation program extending on our community connections with visits to Snug Falls, Bellerive Beach and the local Sandy Bay beach area.
These excursions have been designed to extend on the children’s engagement in their local area and encourage a strong sense of adventure and exploration.
Allowing the children opportunities to climb, splash and play in natural settings allows children to learn with all their senses.
Exciting incursions included “Robot Man’ and ‘Dance with Paint” extending on the children’s interests and helping them to learn to think laterally.
Cooking with Kate became a favourite activity for the older children to enjoy, with all of us enjoying the treats that were whipped up.
Our vacation program models inquiry processes, including wonder, curiosity and imagination, encouraging the children to try new ideas and take on challenges.
Lisa, Vivienne, Moya, Hattie, and Heena
Learning about Art in Pre-Kinder
Our Pre-Kinder children are lucky to attend art classes with Junior School Art Teacher, Mr Goodwolf, every fortnight.
Working closely with our current program, and incorporating the children’s interests, they took part in a wonderful marbling experience. Dropping coloured dyes into tubs of water, and then and then placing paper onto this to capture the melding colours, has extended on the children’s interest in marbled colours and techniques.
Creating some beautiful colours and exploring the idea of cause and effect, this activity kept our children engaged for an longer period.
We will be extending this with more activities that explore colour and marbling. Our children gain so much out of these extracurricular activities, teaching them about community connections and developing a strong sense of belonging to the Fahan Community.
Lisa, Vivienne, Moya, Hattie, and Heena
Learning about the State Libary
Year 1
On Friday 3 May, Year 1 students travelled by bus to the State Library of Tasmania. We met Sam, a Librarian, and we helped him return books. We learned how the librarian checks the books back into the library. Before checking the books in, the librarian needs to make sure the books are not damaged and that they are in good condition. If they are damaged, they have to be pulped. This means they are thrown away. We should be careful when we are reading our books, especially if we are having a drink. We should also store our books away from babies and dogs.
We also learnt about some other sections in the Library. In the non-fiction area we looked at books about craft, cooking, birds, mushrooms and pilates. Afterwards, Sam read us two picture books in the children's reading section. We used our State Library cards to choose some books and then we got to enjoy some quiet reading time.
It was really exciting. There are so many books! The library is the best!
By Madeleine, Joyce, Josie & Margaret
Year 3
On Tuesday 7 May, Year 3 went on an excursion to the State Library of Tasmania. We were accompanied by Mrs Denman and Mrs Grieg.
When we arrived at the Library, we met a Librarian called Sam, who explained to us how to borrow and return books, and where to find things in the Library. He also read a book to us called A Walk in New York.
Some of us already had a library card because we have already been to the Library with our family. Other people got their own Library card when we were there. It was fun looking at all the different fiction and non-fiction books. We borrowed some books to take home. You are allowed to borrow up to 15 books at a time. We love reading, so lots of us will be going back there!
Thank you Mrs Denman for an awesome excursion!
By Anna Karimi and Ruby Lu
Learning at Snug Falls in Year 3
On Thursday 16 May, Year 3 students enjoyed a fabulous excursion to Snug Falls. The weather was beautiful and the track was not nearly as muddy as we had expected it to be. The girls loved identifying different types of fungi, birds and plants with Jayde, using ‘Scavenger Hunt’ charts that Mrs Maley had made for them. Once at the waterfall, we had lunch, and enjoyed exploring and simply watching the water cascading down. What a fabulous day we had in this amazing place!
Mrs Nicole Bury
Learning about Sustainability
Kindergarten students delighted in their excursion to the Sustainability Centre on Wednesday 8 May. This experience is an important and ongoing focus in our Learning on Country program. The light rain prior to our visit provided an excellent opportunity to make the most of our outdoor clothing. The amount of exploration and delight was only surpassed by the amount of mud on their gumboots and wet weather overalls!
Mrs Meg Denman
Year 6
Year 6 went on an excursion to the Sustainability Centre at Mount Nelson on Tuesday 14 May. When we arrived, we had a Welcome to Country and a Smoking Ceremony to pay respect to elders, past and present. We all picked a small eucalypt leaf and crushed it up in our hands to put it into the fire to call off evil spirits.
After the ceremony, we worked in small groups to look at some illustrated books for inspiration for our next activity, which was sitting in silent reflection in the bush. We ended up drawing, writing and listening to our surroundings for 45 minutes! Everyone did a wonderful job with their reflections.
After the 'sit-think' session, we were taught how Australian Aboriginals and custodians used weaving skills to make jewellery. We made rings with twine, which was a tricky task, but we eventually completed them.
After lunch, we had a session with the OzHarvest team. We learnt about what they do for other people and discussed the impact of food waste. Then they gave us a cooking challenge, where we had to plan and cook a dish using only staple ingredients, plus items that had been donated, close to their use-by date or less sellable items. We all made pancakes or omelettes in groups of three or four.
We enjoyed our day at the Sustainability Centre and we hope to visit again.
By Sofia and Emilia
Learning about Leadership in Year 6
On Friday 10 May, thirteen Year 6 students were lucky enough to participate in an Independent Primary Schools Head of Australia (IPSHA) activity day. We had a wonderful day with lots of activities, food and fun and even had Subway for lunch! We also had the privilege of meeting Mr Adam Mostogl from Launceston on Zoom. He gave us a speech about leadership and followship.
At IPSHA there were so many different activities such as: Playdough Team Guessing Challenge, Shark Tank, Paper Bag Dramatics and a fun task of redesigning a class learning space for the people who are in wheelchairs or crutches to make it easier for them to get around. One of the best tasks was the Rope Challenge. You had to work as a team to assemble different shapes with the rope.
During the day we Zoomed in with Mr Mostogl and he talked to us about the importance of ‘followship’, not leadership. He said people should ask the question: would you follow yourself? This made us think about whether we would follow us. He also told us that ‘screw ups’ matter more than success, that we should embrace vulnerability and authenticity and, last of all, that we shouldn’t wait for perfect. All these ideas completely changed our view on things.
We all thoroughly enjoyed the day, and we all have some great ideas to bring back to School to share.
By Essie, Ava and Olivia
Learning in Business Studies
As part of our Years 9/10 Business Case Study on Makeup Bar, we were lucky enough to visit their business. We learnt about the most important steps to starting a business and understanding how their business operates. We had a tour of their studio and learnt about the styles of makeup they can do for their customers. We are so grateful for the opportunity we got to check out their space and how they operate their inspiring business.
By Zara Bury (Year 10)
This week the Years 9/10 Business Studies Class had the pleasure of visiting the Tassie Mums headquarters and seeing first hand the work they do to improve the lives of Tasmanian children living in poverty. We met the inspiring founder of Tassie Mums, Clair Harris, who was nominated for an Australian of the Year Award and saw the incredibly well-organised facilities they have for storing, packaging and sending off care bundles. We all thoroughly enjoyed learning about the remarkable work and progress that Tassie Mums has made and look forward to donating our profits from our Business Projects to them later this term. It also reminded us of the ways in which businesses, more broadly, can contribute to community wellbeing through donating to such organisations.
By Sarah Berner (Year 9)
Learning about France
In the last week of Term 1, a group of 23 students and four teachers departed on the 2024 Study Tour of France. Upon arrival in Paris, our group visited the Luxembourg Gardens, where the beautiful trees, sculptures and sunshine helped us to throw off the fatigue and fuzziness of the long flight(s) from Hobart.
The following day began with a bus tour of some of the capital city’s most famous sites, including the Champs Elysées, Arc de Triomphe, Invalides, Opéra, and Tour Eiffel. That evening we returned to the Tower to enjoy its nighttime light display.
On the morning of Day 2 we visited the Louvre and viewed some of the museum’s most prized works including, of course, the Mona Lisa. In the afternoon we toured Montmartre, spending time in Place du Tertre and Sacré Coeur. The following day, we travelled by coach to Tours, the capital of the Loire Valley, stopping en route for a tour of Versailles. Our guide, Gérard, astonished us with his detailed knowledge of the history of the palace. Afterwards, we enjoyed lunch and the opportunity to see (and hear) the musical fountain show in the gardens. Following this, we visited the famed cathedral in Chartres.
Day 4 began with a stop in Oradour sur Glane, a silent memorial to a World War II tragedy. We then travelled to Limoges, famous for its porcelain. Day 5 was spent in La Ville Rose (the pink city) of Toulouse. On Day 6 we enjoyed a guided tour of the medieval fortress of Carcassonne. We then farewelled our wonderful coach driver, Pierrick, in Montpellier, where the students met their host families. The following five days involved morning French lessons and afternoon excursions to the nearby towns of Aigues-Mortes, Nîmes and Sète. On Day 12 we farewelled the host families and travelled back to Paris on the TGV (fast train). The final afternoon featured a boat cruise on the Seine.
I wish to commend the students for their spirit, humour and cheerful approach toward the many experiences, both fun and challenging, that this tour presented. It was exciting to see them learn many skills, from ordering lunch, to catching public transport, to mapping the best shopping routes in every town we visited! Above all, they were supportive of one another and excellent company.
To Chris Summers, Fiona Short and Sharon Johns, I express my gratitude and respect. They were a formidable team, bringing complimentary strengths and greeting each day with energy and unflagging enthusiasm. Merci mille fois!
Ms Holly Lutzow
French Teacher
Learning at the Lumina 9 Outdoor Camp
From 8 to 12 April, Year 9 students participated in the Lumina 9 Outdoor Learning camp. The camp was designed to allow us to use different learning styles outside the classroom, practice our Trangia cooking skills in preparation for our next camp, and build our understanding of ourselves along with empathy and resilience.
For two days we attended Kelvedon where we participated in many different learning activities with a focus on English, Art and History. We enjoyed Kelvedon Beach scenery while writing a creative task about the ocean. During the History-based task, we walked around Swansea, and each gave our own guided tour at different significant landmarks. The Art task we completed involved constructing and making art out of natural resources such as seaweed, shells and sticks.
For two days, we participated in Science, Maths and Health-based activities based out of the historic Barn at Fahan. We had some exciting math challenges and calculated the total width of a river purely with triangles. We went to local beaches and counted the amount of flora and fauna within a square meter. We were also lucky enough to have Dr Rebecca Chabbit attend who, along with Ms Williamson, took us through some important personal reflection work which included a guided yoga class. We were also given the opportunity to talk with Variety Australia who discussed with us the charity work they do and thanked us for our ongoing commitment in supporting them.
On Wednesday afternoon both 90 and 9N met at Orford, where we participated in team-building activities in House groups. We then headed to the Orford Town Hall and took part in a ‘Body Percussion’ workshop. At the workshop we had the opportunity to play various Indigenous instruments, as well as other percussion instruments.
We had so much fun on camp and are grateful for the opportunities we were given.
I enjoyed cooking my own food on the Trangia. - Chloe Colquhoun
I liked going on a morning sunrise walk with my friends. - Eliza Thompson
I liked spending time with my friends. - Emily
By Georgia Chung & Evelyn Bullard
Learning Onboard the Lady Nelson Tall Ship
On 15 April, 9 students embarked on five-day sea voyage on the Lady Nelson Tall Ship. After we set sail from Elizabeth Street Pier, we were instructed upon the safety features of the ship, such as where life jackets are located, and how to put out a fire onboard. Each trainee learnt the different roles, such as how to climb the mast safely, and how to adjust the sails and wrap the ropes (make fast). Shortly after, we were informed of the groups that we would be doing activities in for the next three days.
After settling and sailing for a few hours, we arrived near our first stop at Coningham Beach where we anchored for the first night. In small groups, we took turns to board the dingy, which took us from where the boat was anchored up the beach. Once everyone was on land, we did the Coningham Aboriginal Cave Shelter Walk, which was around an hour round trip. Proceeding the walk, on the beach we ran into some Fahan Alumni, who we chatted to whilst waiting for the dingy to arrive back. Once we arrived back on the boat we learnt and practised two types of knots – a clove hitch and a reef knot, for our upcoming competition the following morning. Not long after this, we were served our first dinner – chicken thigh, roast potatoes, and veggies. After dinner, each group was assigned a role for the next day, which rotated between the three groups over the three days. This included chef, engineer/navigator, and deck crew.
The next morning everyone was up bright and early, as each trainee went to their assigned roles and completing their morning tasks, whether it was making breakfast, turning the electricity of the ship on, or planning our route for that day. Once everyone had completed their morning tasks and eaten breakfast, we had our first knot tying competition between two groups. Between the nine of us, we were split into two groups – red and green. However, the red group consisted of not only students, but also Dan, Mrs Gadon and Laura, a 15-year-old crew member. The green team defeated the red team, putting them in the lead. Afterwards, we were taught two more knots which we were required to learn. Once we had completed this, we set the sails and raised the yard, before lifting the anchor to set off. Some students climbed the sails to various heights, which was an exhilarating experience for some. After everything was completed, we set sail to Lime Bay, nearby to Sloping Main, where we anchored for the night. Once again, we boarded the dingy in small groups to the beach, where we participated in the Clean Up Australia program, and brought back many full rubbish bags onboard.
Day 3 was another early morning for most, as the groups rotated, and trainees went to their new roles. We spent most of the day motoring, as there wasn’t much wind to sail with. During the middle of the day, we performed a fake man overboard drill, where we pretended that Dan had gone overboard. We promptly acted and fished the buoy out of the ocean. Then Ava had to pretend to be the victim, where she was wrapped in blankets to prevent hypothermia. At lunch time, we had the opportunity to jump off the bow again, and most of us went for a swim. In the afternoon, we docked at Woodbridge, to do a crew member swap where we were allocated 30 minutes off the ship to explore and get a snack. Shortly after, we reboarded and began our evening duties, including sailing to Simpsons Bay to anchor for the night.
On day 4 we woke up to a beautiful pink sunrise. We had to quickly leave Bruny and divert back to Woodbridge to do another crew member swap, as the captain contracted COVID. While we sailed back towards Bruny, we saw seals in the distance on Green Island. We then travelled to Alexander Bay, where we spent the night and after dinner, we voted for the roles that we would be allocated for the next day, including captain, bosun, engineer and two chefs.
On day 5 we all woke up ready to begin our journey home. We packed up our bags and helped clean and set the boat up to set sail. We left Alexander Bay at around 9:30am and made our way back down the channel towards Hobart. We passed Nutgrove Beach at around 1:30pm, then we raised the yards and the sails. At this time some students were selected to climb the mast to pack away the sails. This allowed us to motor back into the wharf where we docked the boat and off loaded our bags, disembarking the boat shortly after.
We all thoroughly enjoyed the trip and found it as a great learning opportunity, but many of us we happy to be back on dry land at the conclusion of the trip.
We would like to thank Dan, Mrs Maley, Mrs Gadon and the crew volunteering onboard the Lady Nelson for allowing us to participate in this remarkable trip.
By Matilda and Ava
Spirit of Debating
Debating is an essential life skill that helps children develop confidence, learn to think on their feet and argue their point of view. It also teaches them to research, structure an argument and articulate their thoughts clearly. Debaters learn how to manage their nerves, how to present themselves in a public forum and, most importantly, how to take risks.
Just imagine never having debated before and having the courage to not only join the debating team, but actually participate in your first debate. On Wednesday last week, fourteen students participated in the first round of the Junior School debating season.
Debate topics are released a fortnight before the debate, providing the students with time to research and prepare material. Debating is a team sport, with all debating team members involved in the initial brainstorming of ideas for the Affirmative argument as well as the Negative arguments. This initial session supports every member of the team and also enables the students to consider both points of view, prior to developing their team’s arguments. Once selected in a team, students begin developing their arguments and working on their persuasive techniques. Experienced, Year 6 debaters work side by side with beginning debaters to develop convincing arguments and to share important debating tips.
Whilst our Junior School debaters are at the beginning of their season, they presented themselves as determined, confident and respectful speakers. They embodied the Spirit of Fahan and were wonderful representatives of our School.
Mrs Susan Wright
On 8 May the Years 5 and 6 debaters participated in a debate for Fahan School. The topic of the debate was Books are Better Than Screens. To everyone's surprise, all five Fahan teams won their debates. To prepare our debate, almost everyone stayed in at recess and lunch. Thank you Deeksha and Caroline who gave up their Senior School lunch break to help us prepare for our debates. Our next debate is on Wednesday 22 May at Fahan.
By Emmaline Fortune and Amélie Théron
Spirit of Battle of the Bands
Year 6 students rocked the house in their Battle of the Bands competition. They were given the task of forming their own bands, selecting unique names and styles, choosing a song, and learning to play new instruments. The four rock bands - Devil Queens, Diamond Dynamites, Drop Dead Divas and Pink Ladies - were an exceptional mix of electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, drums, and vocals, displaying the diverse musical talents of every student. The girls worked tirelessly over the last few months and wowed the enthusiastic audience with their incredible performances in a closely fought contest.
Below are some reflections from the band members themselves:
We were a positive band and worked together very well. It sounded very good when we worked together with each of our strengths. It was really enjoyable. The smoke machines were cool, effective and awesome. Sofia, Diamond Dynamites
It was awesome to work together to make our costumes, choreography and making it engaging for the crowd. Overall, we really enjoyed Battle of The Bands and we wish we could do it again. Maddy, Rosie, Ruby, Sasha, Lucy, Evie, Saige, Abbey and Tully from the Devil Queens
Battle of the Bands was great fun and I loved learning to perform on stage. It was such a cool experience and I really hope we get to do it again. Olive
I really enjoyed Battle of the Bands because everyone really got into it and it was such a fantastic experience. Maggie
Spirit of Year 8 Outdoor Education Camp
Our Year 8 students embarked on an exhilarating Outdoor Education Camp last week, immersing themselves in an array of challenge-by-choice activities. From cultivating their own potatoes to navigating canoes and orienteering, each day brought fresh adventures and opportunities for personal growth.
The highlight of the camp was a breathtaking four-day hike through the picturesque landscapes of Weasel Plains in Bothwell. Trekking through rolling plains and alongside the majestic River Clyde, students discovered new campsites daily, all while soaking in the natural beauty around them.
Beyond the excitement of outdoor exploration, the camp fostered vital skills in leadership, teamwork, and communication. Students forged strong bonds with their peers, embraced the wilderness, and crafted memories that will last a lifetime.
In summary, the Outdoor Education Camp was an overwhelming success, offering students a perfect blend of adventure, education, and camaraderie. We extend our gratitude to all the teachers who played a role in ensuring each student had a truly unforgettable experience.
Ms Stacey Maley
I loved all of camp, but I particularly enjoyed getting to know other people, the walking, and being away from screens. Essie
I loved being in a tent with my friends and canoeing. Maisey
I enjoyed being the leader of the group and navigating our way to camp with a compass and getting all the markers. Phoebe D
Camp was great fun but was also challenging, I loved exploring and learning to read maps. Nina
I enjoyed canoeing in the dam and sitting around the campfire in the evening. Emma
I enjoyed the warm campfires at night. Floss
I liked cooking breakfast on the trangias, rock hopping at the river and standing around the campfire. Islay
I learnt so many new skills during this camp and I'm very grateful we were given this opportunity. Maya
I liked being around the camp fire at night. Sigrid
Everyone enjoyed the camp and we all learnt so much about how to work well with our friends, making food with a Trangia and tips about how to survive in different environments. Yifan
I really enjoyed being with my friends and rock hoping it was very fun although I found the walking challenging. Eloise
I loved the bonfire and talking and hanging out with my friends. Emily
Through climbing across mountains for hours, to cooking over a fire, we learnt many new things and even with some bumps in the road we had a good time. Lili S
I loved gathering around the campfire, telling stories and making jokes with my friends. Keira
It was fun, we got to cook lots of things and do lots of hiking in groups. Taylah
I loved all my snacks and lollies they really boosted my spirits. Sophie
I liked talking by the campfire, watching shooting stars, the beautiful area and rockhopping. Evie
I really enjoyed learning how to navigate a map and compass and using these skills to help our group get to our camp sites. Grace C
I liked camp a lot and enjoyed being with my friends. Phoebe M
I really enjoyed walking in the rain as it was lovely background noise. Myla
I loved when we all sat by the bonfire. Eve
I really liked making more friends and making our friendship stronger. Florence
I liked hanging around the campfire and watching shooting stars. Mathilda
I loved the hike. Not the part where we were walking, but the part where we reached the top of the mountain and saw how much we had achieved. Lauren
Rock hopping at bush camp was a highlight. Ruby S
I enjoyed seeing my friends in the other group on the way to bush camp. It really boosted me to be happier! Jemima
I enjoyed sitting by the fire at night and talking with my friends. Ruby W
I really enjoyed spending time with my friends and making new friendships. Abbie
I had fun with my friends and enjoyed making dinner, but I found the walking up hills a challenge. Myf
Spirit of Mountain Bike All Schools Championships
On Friday 10 May, 30 Fahan students competed at the Tasmanian Mountain Bike All Schools Championships at Tolosa. The students could compete in the Enduro race and Cross-Country event. They all showed great spirit, determination and effort in these events and came away with some incredible results.
U15 Enduro
Isabel Leditschke – 2nd
Sophie Unwin – 5th
Nina Davidson – 7th
Eve McLean – 10th
U15 Cross Country
Isabel Leditschke - 2nd
Ebony Buchanan – 10th
U17 Enduro
Ruby Leditschke – 6th
U17 Cross Country
Ruby Leditschke – 4th
Tara Sciberras – 5th
Emma Zhuang – 10th
U 19 Enduro
Poppy Leditschke – 1st
U19 Cross Country
Poppy Leditschke- 4th
Keala Hayes – 5th
Prue Clarke –6th
Estella Manson –7th
In a remarkable display of talent and teamwork, we clinched the coveted overall point scores across all female age groups (U15, U17, and U19). This achievement is particularly noteworthy as it reflects the cumulative points amassed by our teams across all events.
Even more impressive is our triumph in securing the overall point score for the entire competition, surpassing schools of all sizes and genders. Such a feat speaks volumes about the exceptional abilities of our students, underscoring their dedication and resilience, especially considering our School's modest size.
Ms Stacey Maley
Spirit - Junior School Sport
I have really enjoyed getting to know all the girls in my first couple of weeks as the Junior School Sports Coordinator and PE Teacher at Fahan. Everyone has been so welcoming and I look forward to an exciting term ahead.
Junior Netball
Last week we started the JSSATIS netball roster. We have six teams entered in this competition. It was great to see all teams play in their first game on Wednesday 8 May and we wish them well for the rest of the roster.
A big thank you to all of our coaches and managers for their support.
Just a reminder, trainings for the Years 3/4 netball teams are Monday lunchtimes with games held on Wednesday afternoons. The Years 5/6 netball teams train on a Tuesday lunchtimes and games are held on Thursdays.
Junior Hockey
Our Junior Hockey rosters started on 4 May, with three teams entered. If any Years 5/6 girls would like to join the team, please let me know. Many thanks to Jemma Ball, Matt Pilkington, Emily Hogan, Sally Boyes, Georgia, Charlotte, Ava and Bridie for coaching and managing these teams.
Junior School Cross Country
Next Thursday, 23 May, the Junior School Cross Country will be held on Nutgrove Beach from 11:00am – 12:30pm. Below are some approx. race times. Parents are more than welcome to come along to this event.
Year 4 - 11:15am
Year 3 – 11:40am
Year 5 – 12:00pm
Year 6 - 12:20pm
The JSSATIS Interschool Cross Country will be held on Wednesday 12 June and the All Schools Cross Country will take place on Tuesday 18 June.
Mrs Katy Stewart
Junior Sport Coordinator
Spirit - Senior School Sport
All sports teams have now begun their rostered games and it is wonderful to see so many Fahan students participating in so many School sports. I wish all the teams the best for their season and look forward to seeing you all in action.
This term, Fahan has sports teams participating in Hockey, Australian Rules Football, Waterpolo, Badminton, Netball and Cross Country. Thank you to all coaches, team managers and umpires.
Cross Country
The Senior School Cross Country was held on Wednesday 1 May at Sandown Oval.
All students from Years 7 – 12 competed a 2.8km race around the Sandown ovals and on Nutgrove Beach. Freycinet, Franklin and Fenton did their best cheering, which certainly encouraged their team mates to give their best efforts.
Congratulations to Freycinet for being the winning house.
Congratulations to the following girls for winning their age group –
Under 13 – Milla Gorringe
Under 14 – Lucy Meikle
Under 15 – Tara Sciberras
Under 16 – Pia Abberton
Open – Hannah Sheen
The SSATIS Cross Country will be held on Wednesday 22 May at Soldiers Walk Memorial Oval, Queens Domain. The squad is on the Tree and an EdSmart has been sent to all students and families with details of the event.
The Symmons Plains Cross Country will be held on Thursday 13 June. A team for this will be selected after the SSATIS Cross Country.
Australian Rules Football
On Tuesday 7 May the 1st Grade Australian Rules Football team played in the annual Alex Gadomski Cup against GYC at North Hobart Oval. This is a fundraising game for The Alex Gadomski Fellowship who work to raise funds for research into bone marrow cancer.
The game was won by a strong GYC team. I am always proud of the Fahan team who play every game against GYC with optimism and determination. The Fahan grit never fades and we play our best football until the final siren.
Mrs Jo Banks-Smith
Senior Sport Co-ordinator
0428 031 012
Community - Thank you to the P&F
Prep students would like to say a very big thank you to the Parents and Friends Committee for funding the purchase of a beautiful wooden arch for their classroom. The rainbow arch creates a cosy nook for reading and resting, as well as providing a space for creative, open-ended play. Students love to set up shops, put on theatre shows and engage in all manner of small world play. The rainbow silks are so colourful and enhance the happy cheerful atmosphere we all enjoy in our classroom. Thank you!
Ms Kim Menadue
Community - Rug Up Tassie
The Junior School is seeking donations of 4mm knitting needles and 8ply acrylic yarn to help Rug Up Tassie. If you are a knitter you may also like to send along a 20 x 20cm square.
This year, the drive aims to collect over 5,000 squares to assist those in need, during a time when so many Tasmanians are doing it tough.
For more details go to: https://www.abc.net.au/hobart/rug-up-tassie-2024/103746318
Community - SPEAK UP Stay ChatTY
On Wednesday, the Year 12 cohort came together to hear from the SPEAK Up Stay ChatTY Schools Program. There were many interactive games such as quizzes and 'stand-up sit-down' which provided a positive insight into mental health issues that can affect people of all ages.
We heard about Mitch's story and how he came to create SPEAK Up Stay ChatTY. The presenters, Callan and Kylea, created a safe and positive environment for us to discuss mental health without judgement. We learnt many interesting facts, including that many celebrities struggle with common mental health issues. We came away feeling positive and more equipped to help ourselves and those around us.
Thank you, SPEAK UP Stay ChatTY, for this fantastic and impactful session.
Ms Felicity Jacobs
Uniform Shop Reminder
Uniform items can be ordered online through the Flexischools website. You can also download the Flexischools App for Apple or Android.
All uniform orders placed via the Flexischools App will be delivered to Reception for Senior School orders and to the classrooms for Junior School orders on Tuesdays and Thursdays during term time. Please allow two days notice for delivery of orders placed before 4:00pm (three days for orders placed after 4:00pm).
If a uniform fitting is required, appointments can be made during term time by emailing uniformshop@fahan.tas.edu.au.
Community Notices
Fahan School Bus Service
For more information on the Fahan Bus Service, please click here.