A Fortnight at Fahan - Term 2, 18 June 2021
Principal's Report
Learning about Reading
Learning about Snug Falls
Learning about Makey Makey
Learning about Mary Poppins Jr
Learning about Design and Technology
Learning about Outdoor Adventure Skills
Learning about Geography
Spirit - Q&A with Kaz Tonks, Administrative Officer - Admin and Alumni
Spirit - Junior School Sport
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Community - P&F Dinner Theme Revealed!
Community - Premier's Reading Challenge
Community - Speak Up Stay ChatTY Shorts Day
Community - A Reminder to RSVP for the TM Lecture delivered by Commander Phillipa Hay
Community - Lost Property?
Community - Lady Gowrie Fahan Vacation Care Program
Community Notices
Principal's Report
This fortnight, I write to remind parents of a very important student wellbeing process we have at Fahan School that has gone a little under the radar, and does require attention from our Community.
As parents and educators, we hope that our children and young people stay healthy, and that they will navigate their individual journeys positively, in physical and mental wellness. Most often, thankfully, this is the case. But sometimes, it isn’t – physical injuries happen, and physical and mental illnesses are diagnosed along the way. At Fahan, our experienced staff are well-placed to assist students and their families through these periods, and the central tool that we use to do this is a Return to School Plan (RTSP).
Returning to school can play an important part in a child or young person’s recovery following serious injury or illness, and a RTSP helps to establish a safe and supportive learning environment for the young person. Importantly, it supports a girl’s successful transition back to School as well as considering the needs of other students and staff members, and it creates consistent expectations and understandings for all parties involved.
At Fahan, the development of the RTSP is a collaborative process between the young person, their parent/caregiver, the School and any other key health agencies involved in the care of your daughters. It outlines what has occurred, what impact this might have on them, the situations the young person might find difficult, and how these can be managed in order for them to return to learning well, and to feel safe and supported.
The RTSP is completed with the young person and their parent/caregiver before the child returns to School. Creating a RTSP in advance of the child’s return allows experienced staff who have direct responsibility for the wellbeing of the student to:
- Create a consistent outline of what the student’s return will look like, what adjustments may need to be made, who is made aware of their diagnosis and how this should be communicated to teachers and other students,
- Establish that we have received medical clearance for the child to return to School,
- Identify a key support person (case manager) for the young person,
- Negotiate the details of the support plan with the student, parents, medical professionals, pastoral carers and teachers,
- Identify and communicate strategies with staff that assist with the student’s learning, help the young person access their learning, and that mitigate any risk that may arise as a result of returning to School,
- Explore and nominate when an update will be required, or if more support is needed,
- Nominate who has access to the RTSP plan.
Only once the RTSP plan is agreed upon and been communicated with the staff involved in teaching and caring for the student, will the student return to School. Sometimes the RTSP can be drawn up quickly, and sometimes it can take up to a week if the health issue is complex and numerous health agencies are involved (eg. Paediatrician, GP, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist).
The circumstances that might demand a RTSP can be many and varied: diagnosed serious physical health conditions that require hospital stays, prescribed medications and/or augmentations to normal routine such as a diagnosed concussion, broken or fractured limbs, food allergies or serious physical injuries that sustain a physical incapacitation for a period of time would certainly require a RTSP (our campus is beautiful, but it can be challenging if you are anything other than fit and well). A mental health diagnosis that requires a mental health plan, psychological intervention, medication or hospital stay such as diagnosed depression or anxiety would also require a RTSP. Finally, any time a girl has had an extended absence (two weeks or more), an RTSP will be created to help her reintegrate back into school life.
In order to arrange a RTSP for your child, or if you are in doubt if one is required, we ask that you contact any of the following people in advance of sending your child back to School:
- Mrs Maria Conway - School Counsellor
- Mrs Amanda Evans – Head of Junior School
- Mr Jack Machin – Deputy Principal
- Dr Alison Manson – Head of House (Franklin)
- Mrs Meg Lawson – Head of House (Fenton)
- Mrs Liana Hayes – Head of House (Freycinet)
These experienced members of staff will ask a series of questions and may ask to see documentation from health agencies that would assist with drawing up a detailed and impactful RTSP – this is not designed to be intrusive, rather, it is a way that all parties can have a voice to the plan, and that allows the School to discharge its duty of care to the full for your child.
Best wishes,
Penny Curran-Peters
Learning about Reading
Our Kindergarten girls have been treated to some lovely reading time with family and friends on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Thank you to the all the parents and grandparents who are joining us in the classroom and garden to share interesting stories and participate in animated discussions. It is a wonderful highlight for the girls!
Mrs Rebecca Wiggins
Learning about Snug Falls
On Tuesday 8 June, Year 3 experienced their second Outdoor Education excursion for the year with a bushwalk at Snug Falls.
Despite the forecast of rain, the weather was perfect for the trek down to the beautiful waterfall. Mitchum from NITA joined us and shared stories and information about the area and plant life along the way, which was fascinating. Once at the waterfall, we enjoyed clambering over rocks and exploring, resulting in a few slightly wet feet!
After we hiked back to the bus (which was a lot harder than on the way down), we stopped at Dru Point Playground to enjoy our lunch and have a play. We had a fantastic day!
Mrs Kathryn Lumsden-Steel
Learning about Makey Makey
In Year 4 Digital Technology, the girls made a Makey Makey touch sensitive/interactive poster.
The photos show the girls holding their information report poster. When the metal split pins next to the report’s headings are touched, the poster, using Scratch, plays the girl’s voice recordings about their animal.
This activity allows students to use the Makey Makey as a digital system, create a digital solution, investigate how circuits work, the properties of materials (conductivity) and evaluate the effectiveness of the interactive poster design (user interface) for a user.
Mr David Hodgman
Learning about Mary Poppins Jr
The Years 5/6 girls have been absolutely loving rehearsing for the Mary Poppins Jr musical and can’t wait for the performances next week! The musical will be split into two parts; ACT I (Year 6) and ACT II (Year 5). There have been so many new, exciting, and interesting things to learn and try.
Here are the things that the Years 5 and 6s liked most:
Learning new things. - Mieke
The dancing. - Margot
Acting differently and getting into character. - Camilla
Being part of it. - Chloe
All of the hard work, like perfecting the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious dance because it’s big and fast- moving. - Caidynce
The rehearsals. - Ava
Seeing some people in their costumes. - Lili
The dancing and the singing. - Alex
Seeing everything finally linking and coming together. - Jemima
The cool new moves and watching everyone perform. - Felicity
We also asked some of the girls what they had learnt so far:
I learnt how to be a different character and try to be a different person. Georgia
I learnt how hard it is to be in a musical. - Margot
Using a bigger voice when speaking in front of an audience. Rachel
To be patient. - Keira
How to act out the character. - Evelyn
To be patient, to be honest, and to be kind to everyone around you. - Ruby
Finally, we asked what the hardest part was for everyone.
Projecting my voice and not blocking people on stage. - Georgia
Trying to get everything right since it's so close to the performance. - Rachel
Learning and memorizing the dances. - Chloe
Trying to stay in your character for the whole performance. - Ava
The accent I had to learn. - Lauren
Holding my arm up and still for a long time in Jolly Holiday! - Isabelle
Learning three dances. - Evie
So far, the musical has been fabulous. We have learnt so much and it has been so much fun. Thank you to all of our teachers for making this a wonderful and memorable experience.
We can’t wait until it’s time to perform. Our evening shows have sold out and there are a few tickets to the matinee sessions still left to purchase - all Fahan families are invited to come along! You can book your tickets using the link below.
By Rose Pullinger and Mathilda Brown, Year 5D
Learning about Design and Technology
Year 7 students are learning about packaging design in their Design and Technology classes this semester. Their aim is to develop their own aerodynamic packaging for a drone delivery service. This unit sees them use a variety of skills and programs, including Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
Learning the fundamentals of Photoshop is always challenging, so we try to make it a little more fun by using references the students understand. So with that in mind, please enjoy some of the fabulous works from our Grumpy Cat photoshop fundamentals class!
The students learnt to composite images using layers, and to cut out images with simple tools.
They had to combine:
- 1 x photo of Grumpy Cat
- 1 x pair of fabulous earrings
- 1 x pair of fashionable glasses
- 1 x unique hat
- 1 x food snack (from their chosen packaging design brief)
Mr Chris Summers
Learning about Outdoor Adventure Skills
This week both Outdoor Adventure Skills classes spent time on the Freycinet Peninsula. They camped at Honeymoon Bay and participated in activities in the area. The groups have been preparing for this camp with bushwalks on Mt Wellington and a practice sea kayaking session from Marieville Esplanade last week. The camp is a culmination of all the work they have been doing in the semester course. What they hadn't been able to plan for was the weather, and whilst the conditions were challenging and very wet, we are extremely proud of the grit and resilience of the girls to remain positive throughout the week. Whilst they were unable to participate in the planned rock climbing activities at Whitewater Wall, they did visit the area and had some fun bouldering on some smaller rock sections. They all got out on the water for some sea kayaking around the peninsula, in what they described as perfect conditions.
Dr Alison Manson and Ms Jayde Steer
Learning about Geography
The Australian Geography Competition is a contest for Australian secondary school students, assessing their geographical skills and knowledge. This year the Years 7-10 cohort of girls did a fantastic job, and I am happy to report that Lara Milford came Equal First in the state in the Year 10 division. Congratulations Lara!
Well done to all the girls who participated and to those who achieved recognition.
Year 7:
Pia Abberton - High Distinction
Ella Baird - Distinction
Jaden Goodey - Distinction
Chloe Groom - Distinction
Tara Sciberras - Distinction
Year 8:
Amelie Rincon Franco - High Distinction
Felicity Barling - Distinction
Nina McLean - Distinction
Hannah Sheen - Distinction
Eliza Stoksik - Distinction
Lucie Tomlin - Distinction
Chloe Wimmer - Distinction
Audrey Bullard - Credit
Lucy Groom - Credit
Talia Lynch - Credit
Zara Marino - Credit
Evangeline Palmese - Credit
Isabel Willcox - Credit
Year 9:
Alice Hardy - High Distinction
Pia Radenti - High Distinction
Keala Hayes - Distinction
Jazmin Kempnich - Distinction
Prue Clarke - Credit
Grace Couser - Credit
Stella Gray - Credit
Hannah Sciberras - Credit
Year 10:
Lara Milford - Equal First Year 10 Tasmania
Lucy Adams - High Distinction
Julia Benyon - High Distinction
Milly Cadle - High Distinction
Emily Hanna - High Distinction
Grace Hooper - High Distinction
Charlotte Jones - High Distinction
Grace Fabris - Distinction
Jessica Sypkes - Distinction
Juliette Wimmer - Distinction
Ella Atkins - Credit
Emma Thompson - Credit
Abbey Willcox - Credit
Sienna Woodford - Credit
Mrs Liana Hayes
Spirit - Q&A with Kaz Tonks, Administrative Officer - Admin and Alumni
What made you choose your career?
I think my career chose me. I left school at the end of Year 10 to undertake a Commonwealth Traineeship with the Education Department working in the Maths/Science Department and the Educational Measurement Unit. After completing this traineeship I moved on to work in various industries, which included being the Secretary to the Manager at the Hydro Engineering Workshops being the sole female among 70 males, the Secretary to the Dean at St David’s Cathedral when the Port Arthur incident happened, working with the Director and the Board to assist in the set-up of the Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation, all things conferencing at Conference Design and finally I arrived at Fahan School. In my role here at Fahan I am able to call on skills that I have learned and utilised in other roles.
I remember in my interview with former Principal, Tim Waley, who asked which one out of all the roles I have held made the greatest impact. My response was my role at St David’s Cathedral, where I tended to see the people hidden from every day view, the homeless, those from broken families, those with addiction problems and it was always heartbreaking to see the children that were caught up in these issues and not being able to help them.
Of what are you most proud?
My three boys are my greatest achievement and I am extremely proud of the young men they are becoming. They are extremely different from each other and have their quirks but they are beautiful human beings and I look forward to their futures and what these may entail.
What do you enjoy most about working at Fahan?
I could say everything but that would be too easy.
It is a privilege to connect with the students, whether it be just a quick hello as they walk through Reception to sign in, having a laugh with me because of my hat attire on free dress day, the beautiful drawings they do for me to use at an alumni lunch, the fascinating conversations held in sick bay or the care and compassion they show to elderly alumna when they accompany me on a visit. The girls are amazing.
My work colleagues who are enthusiastic, generous, hard-working, humorous and supportive - they are truly wonderful people.
The Alumni, who treasure Fahan, for their generosity and support of the students, of the School and of each other. It is an honour to help them stay to connected to the School.
How would you describe yourself in one sentence?
I would describe myself as a glass-half-full type of person - there is always a positive within a negative!
Spirit - Junior School Sport
JSSATIS Cross Country
Unfortunately, this event was postponed last week due to inclement weather and has been rescheduled to Thursday 1 July. The event will still be conducted at Rokeby Police Academy with slightly altered times which are noted below.
Approximate Race Times:
12:10pm Year 3 Girls
12:40pm Year 4 Girls
1:00pm Year 5 Girls
1:30pm Year 6 Girls
Primary All Schools Cross Country
This event will be held on Tuesday 22 June at Symmons Plains Racecourse with details noted below.
Depart: 7:45am sharp from Fahan School carpark. It is possible to encounter road works on the way, so it is imperative that the bus leaves on time.
Return: leaving Symmons Plains after the last race, which is scheduled for 1:00pm (should be on the road by 1:45pm, with arrival at Fahan between 4:15pm and 4:30pm). If it looks like we will be either much earlier or later, we will endeavor to contact parents to let them know.
NB:. Please note traffic is a major variable with regard to this event. Last year we had a good run on the way up but it was very slow on the way back.
Term 3 Sport Choices
Information for Term 3 Sport choices will be available in the coming days.
Mr Tim Dale
Junior Sport Co-ordinator
Spirit - Senior School Sport
Term 3 Sport Choices
A reminder to girls to please sign up for Term 3 School Sport by the end of today via the previously issued Edsmart notice. For information about each sport, please visit the Senior Sport Online page on the Tree. Please note, the response via Edsmart is to be made by the students, parents have been copied in for information only.
Our AFL Firsts team played against Guilford Young College in the SSATIS 1st Grade Australian Rules Football grand final on Wednesday 9 June at Bell Street Oval. We were defeated by a strong GYC side in a tough game under wet and cold conditions. Captain, Georgia McMullen, was unable to play due to surgery and Alexandra Badenach stepped up to captain the team and was a great leader. Our thanks go to Leigh Crosby for coaching, Sophie Botterill-James and Grace Higgins for assisting with coaching, and Nicole Choroszy for being the trainer/first aid at each game
Mrs Jo Banks-Smith
Senior Sport Co-ordinator
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Community - P&F Dinner Theme Revealed!
Happy Friday everyone,
We're excited to announce the theme for our P&F Gala Dinner on 14 August - view the video below!
Tickets will be available for purchase shortly via the Fahan website soon!
We hope you can attend and also help us source fun prizes for the live and silent auctions (think: gift certificates; gift baskets; holiday houses for short vacation stays; boat rides etc.). If you are short on ideas please contact me or any of our committee members.
We also have Sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact me at pandf@fahan.tas.edu.au if you or your business would be interested in sponsoring any aspect of this fun evening.
We thank the following sponsors who signed up early: Centrepoint Shopping Centre and Nicholas Elliott Builders.
Catherine Matterson
President, Parents and Friends' Association
Community - Premier's Reading Challenge
This term, students from the Junior School have been busy reading for the annual Premier’s Reading Challenge. Students are challenged to read ten books in ten weeks. The TM Library has also hosted an online book review as part of the Challenge. We have received some excellent reviews. Our winners have received stationery packs and have had their reviews published. The reviews are currently on display in the TM Library.
Students commented:
I enjoyed writing my review on the Tree because it was easy to access. I also prefer to type. Olivia
I liked the prize! Sacha
I liked how I could write about any book. It also helped me practise my typing. Eliza
It was a great challenge! Charlotte
I enjoyed editing my review to find better words for the ones I had already written. Sahaja
I liked the experience of doing it. Audrey
It can express how you are feeling after you have read the book. Niamh
I love reading books, but I also like writing about my reading and telling other people about stories so they can share my love of reading. Harper
Mrs Denman and Mrs Cole
Community - Speak Up Stay ChatTY Shorts Day
On Monday 21 June the Year 12 Student Wellbeing Committee students are promoting Shorts Day. On Monday, Senior School students have the option of wearing their PE uniform and PE shorts in support of this day. The purpose of Shorts Day is that on the shortest day of the year, people brave the cold because "it might be uncomfortable to be a little cold …or start a conversation about mental health, but we can all do it together!".
Dr Alison Manson
Community - A Reminder to RSVP for the TM Lecture delivered by Commander Phillipa Hay
Commander Phillipa Hay is, and remains, a Fahan girl. Phillipa is the Commanding Officer of HMAS Moreton with the Royal Australian Navy and was the first Australian woman appointed to command a task force in the 49-year history of Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC). Phillipa will take you on a journey to embrace all opportunities presented to you at Fahan and beyond, showing you it is ok to be ‘the first’ or ‘the only one’.
Phillipa will discuss how to draw upon your own strengths to help you achieve your goals. “The pathway to success is not always linear, and ultimately, your success is defined by you, not by comparing yourself to others,” Phillipa Hay.
Fahan School invites you to attend the TM Lecture including presentation of the Gerdy Jevtic Medal and Pride of Fahan Alumni Award.
Travers Morphett Lecture
Date: Wednesday 30 June 2021
Time: 1:00pm
Where: Fahan School Gymnasium
RSVP using the link below by Wednesday 23 June. We also invite you to join us for afternoon tea in the TM Hall following the Lecture.
Community - Lost Property?
Students are asked to please come and check lost property before the end of term. It is overflowing with a particularly large selection of drink bottles, bags and many other uniform items. We seem to be collecting a lot of unnamed stationery too. Senior School students, lease come and look for your lost items at the repository next to Lab 3.
Ms Anna Forward
Community - Lady Gowrie Fahan Vacation Care Program
The Lady Gowrie Vacation Care Program is now available. Bookings through Lady Gowrie.
Community Notices
Fahan School uniform items can be ordered through the Flexischools website or App (Apple of Google). If a uniform fitting is required, please email Mrs Birgitta Browning at uniformshop@fahan.tas.edu.au
Canteen online orders are taken before school through the Flexischools website or App. A variety of foods are offered and healthy, nutritional choices are encouraged. Parents can also load money onto a student's ID card through the Flexischools App so that students from Year 3 may use their student card to purchase items from the canteen.
For more information on the Fahan Bus Service, please click here.